Area 58, 61, 62, 64 and 114 are the best options in the special draw. Mule deer in 135, 143-145the population is below average. So point building strategies exist that can allow you to hunt every year and build points. Those units each offer their own limited quota hunts. See the map below for estimated grizzly bear range. Review the odds, use the filters and unit profile to pick the best choice for you. This can be very good for weeding out hunting areas with unlimited (100%) tags. While I love elk hunting in the mountainous backcountry of the west, I can see the light at the end of that tunnel. Once you start accumulating or building points it's important to know details about how they are used, when you can lose them, etc Well explore that in another article, but for now, know that well stick to the basics. Unit 60 had 50% odds in the regular draw and 100% odds in the special draw with max points. The state allocates approximately 15% of its total license quota for a unit to non-residents. Yes, they did change in 2020. There are others, but applicants will need to do some research, be prepared to hike, and deal with much more hunting pressure. Buck to doe ratio of 32:100. To compare that to 2021, almost the entire state was in the 70% range and the central part of the state was in the 60% range. Beyond that, there are almost no good options in this range. Then give him/her a call and let them know your situation and they may be able to steer you to a landowner. Some of the better options may not be available in 2022 as a second choice due to license cuts. The regular draw allocates 60% of the nonresident permits; the other 40% goes to the special draw. This is uncommon in most western states. Very low fawn production at only 33:100 fawn to doe ratio. Review the regulations for season date changes. As a classic antelope unit and the little brother next door to my number one choice, the hunt in Area 62 should be solid. The number of nonresident licenses in Region G is expected to stay the same at 400. Search our database forWY Antelope opportunities. Fawn to doe ratio is 52:100 and the buck to doe ratio is up some at 37:100. Review the odds, use the filters and unit profile to pick the best choice for you. These areas have seen above average fawn recruitment and higher than average horn lengths along with maintaining high buck to doe ratios. Wyoming Antelope Hunting 2022 Wyoming antelope populations continue to struggle across most of the state. Wyoming Antelope Draw enables you to conquer the dismal challenge of selecting hunt codes from hundreds of choices in Wyoming. As such, the trophy potential will generally be good this year and slightly better than last year even. You must purchase a point during the point only time frame, which is July 1 to Oct. 1, 2022. With a large area and a large quota, this hunt area offers a bit better odds with a chance at a buck tag with about 10 or 12 preference points. Hi Jake ! Plan on usingundulations in the terrain and a lot of crawlingto get in position for a shot. We strive to help our audiences become more skilled and ethical hunters, while expanding their knowledge, appreciation, and awareness of the outdoors and wildlife through entertainment media. There is no cost to apply and no point system. 2019 Leftover Drawing Odds The deadline to apply isJune 1, 2021 by 11:59 p.m. MST. In addition, more tag reductions are proposed for 2022 to follow up reductions in 2021. Antlered or any whitetail deer, full price antelope, Specialty weapon only (excluding archery). They will gladly provide this. I know units 90-92 and 96 and they are good zones but hard to draw. If you want to increase your chances, one of the easier ways is to pony up the extra cash to get into the special draw. Buck to doe ratio of 35:100. In the eastern half of Wyoming, antelope tags are easy to draw, but hunters will have to work harder to find public access. One of the bright spots for Wyoming mule deer is within the units 116, 117, 118, 119 and 120. Nonresidents are allocated approximately 20% of the total deer and antelope licenses. The winters of 2016/2017 and 2018/2019 were harsh and a vast majority of the fawn crop was lost, primarily in the western portion of the state. Colorado Wolves: Killing Pets & A Safe-Space. We publish book and magazines, along with producing videos, DVDs, and TV programs. Stay safe Herbert Cooke: I was hoping to get a chance to hunt elk this year in Colorado if my draw in New shootbrownelk: Who says non residents aren't welcomed to hunt the western states? Select your minimum percentage of odds for drawing the tag. Good fawn survival in normal range at 68:100 fawn ratio. The other 25% are randomly allocated with no weight given to the number of preference points applicants have. If your goal is to simply hunt antelope, there are areas that have 100% odds with no points and can even be drawn as a second choice. Buck to doe ratio of 22:100 with a fawn to doe ratio of 66:100. Sorry for delayed response. No change in license numbers. Typically up to 75% or 80% of available tags go to residents in the initial draw depending on the species. Real examples are always the best. 9,939 Views. In the special draw, there are indeed more options that have decent access and amounts of public land to hunt that can be drawn as a second choice. Success 84 84 Trophy Potential 0. Another option that is often overlooked are the Type 2 hunts that are only valid within a half mile of irrigated land. 2014 Drawing Odds and Draw Results by Hunt Area and Choice Guy Eastman, Editor-In-Chief Please do some research and apply accordingly. This tool will help you make the hunt code decisions that will make you successful this year. Once again going into 2022 we will see a decrease in license numbers throughout a bulk of the state. The application period for the leftover deer and antelope drawing will be June 19-23, 2023. One of the most common questions we get about Wyoming antelope hunting is, Can I draw a license as a second choice and still have a good hunt? The answer is yes although those opportunities are getting harder to find. Within the regular draw there were 5 hunts that could have been drawn with no points; units 10, 15, 19, 38, and 109. It can be near impossible to find hunts for trophy class animals but if you just want to fill the freezer and build points, that strategy is entirely doable. During dry years, like Wyoming has experienced recently, bears are searching for berries earlier and there are less food sources available generally. Decent number of mature bucks, but a lower population overall. Harvesting a buck is not all that difficult; however, harvesting a trophy buck can be. On a good year, this hunt can produce some very nice bucks for a savvy antelope hunter, but does tend to lack those in the giant category. Any applicants who arent successful in the preference point draw are rolled into the random pool and will have a chance to draw from the random licenses available. The random draw is just that, a random draw where every individual has an opportunity to draw. If you want to pursue Wyoming whitetail, it will take some real research. . Resident antlerless draw odds Find your resident Antlerless mule deer draw odds here The deadline to apply is May 31, 2022 by 11:59 p.m. MT. If you review the table above, some of those hunts were drawn with 2 to 3 less points in the special draw than they were in the regular draw. The number of points required to put a license in your pocket has been the biggest change in the last few years. Those areas are 22, 80, 119 and 157. I should also point out that Regions A, B, T, Y, M, L, F, and X all had 100% odds as a second choice, as did limited quota hunts in units 64 and 157. Since those harsh winters, survival has been good and there should be a better number of 3 to 4 year old bucks than there has been in the past few years. In the regular draw, the muzzleloader hunt Type 0 in Area 50 is also worth some research. Area 88 is dominated by private lands with several small public land parcels. The top-tier rifle hunts are not going to be available within this point range. Western Wyoming offers high alpine peaks and some of the most rugged and remote terrain in the lower 48. Even with the population hit and expected decrease in licenses in some areas, Wyoming is still the best state for antelope hunting. High buck to doe ratio of 43:100 and fawn to doe ratio of 53:100. So like many western states, a draw system was devised to allocate hunting opportunities. Buck to doe ratio of 40:100 and fawn to doe ratio of 64:100. Whether you have no points, a handful or have been waiting for years for your chance to hunt, Wyoming has a hunt for you! Hey Brad, Nonresidents must draw general region licenses. You also have to front the entire cost of the license you apply for. Region M will see a reduction in licenses from 800 to 600. The first decision youll need to make is deciding if you want to apply and, if you do, deciding if you want to apply in the regular or special draw. At this point, applicants in the special random draw have a higher chance of drawing because there were fewer applicants relative to the available tag pool. A good number of younger age class bucks available with a lower number of mature bucks. In the regular draw, with 4-6 preference points some of the best options to research are unit 99 type 0, 79 type 9. Copyright 2023 Eastmans' Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Guys TOP 5 Picks for Wyoming Antelope 2022. Region G: 400 nonresident license quota for 2021. Even if this is your first year of applying, if a hunt has a total of four nonresident licenses, you have a chance in the draw. Wyoming residents also have access to more over-the-counter tag options. A fine hunter in his own right, Guy has taken several trophy animals and has become an expert in trophy hunting as well. If applicants are willing to go into the special draw, try for Area 118, 120 and 165. Log into your account, hover over the INSIDER icon in the header bar. Whether you have no points, a handful or have been waiting for years for your chance to hunt, Wyoming has a hunt for you! Nonresident special minimums have tended to be slightly better than nonresident general but fluctuate from year to year. So our applicant with 1 point only never really had a shot in the preference point draw. Another good option is to book a hunt with an outfitter who has access to private land. There are two pools of licenses for nonresidents: the regular and the special. Region B licenses will be reduced from 1,500 to 1,350 in 2021. The best thing to do is call WY Game and Fish and get the name of the enforcement officer for your area. WY has a list of landowners who will allow hunting on their land.. most for a fee.. and you can get that list from WY Game and Fish. With that said, I have chosen hunt areas this year which mostly revolve around the best regions for historic large horn growth and superior genetic composition. Deer and antelope have different area boundaries. The remaining 28 tags that were not allocated to the preference point pool are again divided up 60/40. You can see a short clip of his 2019 Western Hunting season here. Area163 and 169 contain relatively large areas of accessible public lands and are managed with more conservative hunting seasons. Fawn recruitment at a ratio of 56:100 and a buck to doe ratio of 49:100. You CAN pay a trespass fee to private land owners who do that individually to earn money for allowing hunters on their land. The West Farson hunt is a very good area for those looking to take a good buck with limited hunting pressure and plenty of public land to hunt. If you apply and draw license(s) in the reduced price draw, your preference points will not be impacted; they are two separate draws. Overall, trophy potential is still good and harvest success rates remain high and if you have points in Wyoming for antelope, 2022 would be a good year to use them. *The application dates to apply online for points are July 1-October 31. This herd can be difficult with hunter access to public lands being limited. Montana is certainly closer to Canada than Wyoming but doesnt offer quite as good an opportunity due to heavy winter kill here about 4 years ago. The Greybull River hunt for antelope while not known for big bucks is a very solid choice for a fun and relaxing hunt with plenty of bucks and some very solid bowhunting potential. In 2018, incisors from hunter harvested bucks were collected during hunter checks to obtain lab ages. One change that should be noted here is that its getting harder to obtain antelope licenses in Wyoming. 116, 120:Population is below objective at 4,121 with an objective of 5,000; fawn to doe ratio is 67:100 and buck to doe ratio is 36:100. Nonresidents will need to decide what their objectives are for a Wyoming antelope hunt. As with most western states, we are seeing more and more applicants. The resident draw for deer and antelope is completely random with no point system. There are areas that usually produce book bucks (central and southwest corner), but the reality is that any hunt area in the state is capable of mid 70 to even 80 bucks. You may have better luck doing some homework and figuring out places with better odds. The areas that received ample precipitation will likely be in better shape going into 2022; however, unfortunately, the timing and size of the late storms definitely took a toll on populations. Of the 117 licenses 89 were made available to preference point holders (slightly over the 75%). Fawn to doe ratio is 58:100. The maximum number of nonresident preference points for deer is 16 going into the 2022 draw. If you have maximum points, which is 15, you may be holding out for one of the hunts listed in our goHUNT hit list above; however, it might be worth looking at the odds before you decide to apply. This system essentially allows for a smaller, albeit more expensive, application pool option for hunters who are willing to foot the extra expense. Overall, a healthy distribution of age classes of bucks in the population. Those areas had decent moisture last year and, even though its been drier this year, those herds should fare well. You can apply online here. Typical areas where you find antelope are wide open with sparse cover. Pay special attention to how much public land is available. Good public land access and a robust antelope population often offers a good hunt, but the odds of drawing these types of hunts have gotten tougher over the years. Party applications have their preference points averaged out to the fourth decimal point. I like the potential here for a big buck coming off the very mild winter and soft spring landing that is occurring here. You must purchase a point during the point only time frame, which is July 1 to Nov. 1, 2021. goHUNT displays the number of applicants at each point level below the cut-off draw line for each hunt. To a greater extent the special draw does improve your chances of obtaining a license. Go on More Hunts with Better Information, Join Huntin' Fool Today! Wyoming has no point system for resident deer and antelope applicants. Hunt Area 67, which includes the north-central portion of Casper Mountain, remains closed to hunting. There is no OTC general season deer hunting for nonresidents. Licenses Costs & Fees Preference Points Cost Agency Information Apply Now Check Results 2023 Look hard at antelope units 22 and 23. For this examplelets say hunt area 20 has a quota of 100 non-resident tags, so 75 will go to max point holders. Then 30 of those 75 (40% of 75) would be available in the special preference point draw. The costs to apply for points in MT and WY is fairly reasonable and your odds of drawing are very low so start applying now. 105, 106, 109:Population is below objective at 2,900 with an objective of 5,000. Buck to doe ratio is 35:100. 59/60/64:Continued poor fawn production, but survivability is good. Moving to the limited quota regular draw hunts, Area 10 (<8 points), 37 (6 points) 81 (6 points), 84 (7 points) 116 (<7 points), 117 (9 points) and 119 Type 2 (7 points) are your best options within this point range. Wyoming experienced a perfect storm of booming populations from 2010 to 2017 when they were harvesting thousands of antelope does to try and bring the populations back within objective and then had back-to-back heavy winter mortality followed byextreme drought the following years. Those opportunities are slim at this point. A Wilderness Study Area (WSA) is a BLM designation and a nonresident can hunt those areas without a guide. There are 10 hunts that can be drawn with no points in the regular draw while there were 31 hunts that could have been drawn in the special draw. Wyoming is arguably the best state in the West for resident hunters. General Regions A, B, C, D, F, J, L, M, R, T, X, and Y all had 100% odds with no points. Utilize goHUNT MAPS and land ownership layer as well to explore the access and options to hunt. There are two separate hunts to choose from in this unit with the Type-1 being the best of the two but requiring about 14 points to draw while the Type-2 hunt is limited in geographic area, but only takes about 12 points to draw. It might require one or two more light winters for those areasto be world class once again, but there is still good hunting and its getting better. HuntScore owner, Matt Habiger, was lucky enough to draw a 1 in 200 odds tag for unit 64-1 Antelope in 2019 with 0 . Become an Insider member to gain access to this article, plus all of GOHUNT's research and mapping tools. Then 20 of the folks with three points will be randomly drawn from the 50 that applied. Each hunt areas quota of licenses, draw odds, and hunter success rates are posted onWyomings Game and Fish website. No changes in license numbers in 2021 for these hunt areas. The reduced price draw is where applicants will apply for the bulk of the doe/fawn antelope and doe/fawn deer hunts. With careful planning, you can hunt antelope in Wyoming every year on second choice units or leftover tagswhile accumulating the points you will need to eventually draw a trophy unit in the state. Access here can be a little bit tricky but not impossible. The application period for leftover deer and antelope drawing is typically the last week of June. Results of the leftover drawing will be available by early July and licenses remaining after that will go on sale on a first come, first served basis a few days later. It is getting better though. All Rights Reserved. The best random odds for a good quality hunt are for Region H and G which had 8.3% and 3.5% odds in the regular draw and 14% and 6.5% odds in the special draw. Wyoming is a diverse state in terms of habitat types. So lets get started planning an antelope hunt in Wyoming. Fawn survival and production is low. Wyoming categorizes their hunting licenses by type. There will be fewer antelope tags for the 2021 season. It is not necessary to select 3 but is an option. 6630 Arroyo Springs St., Suite 1200 They consider every applicant's first choice before moving to any applicants second choice. Area 61-1, Another I-80 corridor hunt this hunt is sandwiched square in the middle between Areas 60 and 62. The Area 62 hunt has a very slim quota offering a very high-quality, low pressure antelope hunt with only 50 tags on quota. In addition, hunters are also getting more savvy. Residents are afforded the most opportunity. Limited quota hunts are allocated via a random draw with no point system and general licenses are available OTC. In addition, if you are looking for a hunt to draw as a second choice, the options within the special draw are indeed more plentiful. When most think about hunting Wyoming for deer, the species they are dreaming about is probably not a whitetail. Good fawn production at 76:100 fawn to doe ratio. We can see the quota for 034-1 is 764 tags. Again, public land and access can be an issue in those types of areas. Initially those can seem intimidating or not worth your efforts, but I have seen some very nice bucks on public land within a half mile of irrigated land and could have been harvested on that type or license. Wyoming offers both general season hunting and limited quota hunts. Wyoming also has what they call a Special Preference Point draw for nonresidents. Nonresidents will also have to decide if they want to apply in the regular or special draw. Largely due to drought and some late spring deep snow storms that impacted herds in the central and eastern part of the state. The quota in this area was also increased for the 2022 hunting season by 40% indicating an antelope herd that is in the rebound phase. Even with the tough odds of drawing a non-resident tag, New Mexico's public lands . This is a great hunt for a decent buck for only about five points. Region Q nonresident quota will remain at 125 license. Rifle hunters should consider units 7, 18, 29, 31, 32, 46 type, 47, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 72, 78, 81, 82, 84, 86, 97/117 and 99 type 2. At the lower end of this point range (11-13 points) in the regular draw were units 53, 57, 64, 67, 80, 92, 96, 101, 112, and perhaps 63, and 95. Wyoming Antelope Draw enables you to conquer the dismal challenge of selecting hunt codes from hundreds of choices in Wyoming. Good buck to doe ratio of 53:100 and fawn to doe ratio at 54:100. The 125 hunt is an early November hunt and can be good if you have the right conditions and ample time to scout and hunt. The resident licenses are randomly allocated. The unit is about 65% public with Fair public access, so you may have to work hard to crack the code on the access here, but if you do your research a good hunt with some serious upside potential could be had here for those who do the work. The special and regular draw systems in Wyoming are fairly simple, but complex at the same time. Those units with limited amounts of access can still be drawn with a few points, which I would argue is a decent way to utilize your points but you may have to really dig into finding a place to hunt. General license hunting pressure can be disproportionately high on public lands within Area 88 and harvest success in the hunt area is typically low as a result. You cannot return a deer or antelope license for a refund or get preference points back if you successfully draw. Your preference points will not be impacted by applying and drawing in the second leftover draw. draw odds I really like what I see here from a statistical standpoint. Wyoming will allow up to six people to apply on a party application for deer and antelope. However, even holders at these respective point minimums were not guaranteed to draw. Required fields are marked *, Dedicated to the Love of Extreme Backcountry Hunting. Eastmans Publishing, Inc. is a multimedia corporation whose roots are grounded in the ethics of fair chase hunting. FIND YOUR RESIDENT ANTLERLESS MULE DEER DRAW ODDS HERE, FIND YOUR RESIDENT DOE ANTELOPE DRAW ODDS HERE, FIND YOUR NONRESIDENT ANTLERLESS MULE DEER DRAW ODDS HERE, FIND YOUR NONRESIDENT DOE ANTELOPE DRAW ODDS HERE. 70"+ bucks, 100% draw odds at 3 points in the special draw, 50%+ public land, and 75%+ odds of success. Within those two pools, 75% of the licenses are allocated to the applicants with the most preference points. Its likely to be an average to slightly below average year for antler growth in Wyomings western range and northern portion of the state. This tool matches up statistics from Drawing Odds and Harvest Success Rates along with GMU specific information to give you the best chance at drawing and harvesting an antelope this year. Poor recruitment. All antelope licenses are allocated through the draw. mule deer Interestingly enough there were 24 of those hunts that could have been drawn as a second choice. And hunter success rates are posted onWyomings Game and Fish website chase hunting those! And the special draw 's research and apply accordingly Huntin ' Fool Today during point! You can see a decrease in licenses from 800 to 600 Check Results 2023 Look hard at antelope 22... Deer in 135, 143-145the population is below objective at 2,900 with an outfitter who has to. A party application for deer is within the units 116, 117,,... Decent moisture last year even issue in those types of areas reductions are proposed 2022... 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