One did not kill an entire planet without aftershocks. They felt that the Khagan was too slow in deciding which side the White Scars should choose in the coming conflict that had only begun to rage amongst the Legiones Astartes. His blade kept Hasik in position, bearing his full weight and preventing him from responding. From then on, he swore to end the constant tribal in-fighting, unite all the people of the Empty Quarter and bring an end to the practice of brother fighting brother. The Khan of Khans wedded those genetic ties to the culture of Chogoris, making this the glue to unify his Legion. But due to the effects of the Ruinstorm, a monstrous Warp Storm unleashed by the Word Bearers during the Battle of Calth, astropathic communication was unreliable and vast tracts of the Imperium were made all but impassable. Treatments include medication, freezing, injections, lasers and surgery. There are many instances of rivalries, and some of outright hostilities. It is said that after being mysteriously transported from Terra through the Warp in his gestation capsule by the Ruinous Powers of Chaos, Khan landed on a planet in the Segmentum Pacificus named by the Imperium Mundus Planus, or as the native population called it, Chogoris. Drive them out, and rule would pass to the uncorrupted, the healthy. The deep-rooted and mutual antagonism between the Space Wolves and the Dark Angels is well-known, but there are many more examples. Ease symptoms of itch and pain. Unable to fight such fell creatures, the Khagan ordered his warriors to fall back. Hasik ordered a Vox-link to be opened with the flotilla, and to prevent any of their vessels from opening fire on them. Only death will sever the strings.". Qin Xa stepped in front of the Khan. A pair of White Scars Battle-Brothers on a two-man Attack Bike slay Traitor Marines during the retaking of the Lions Gate Spaceport. Though Mortarion had completed his great mission and the Emperor had handed down the Edicts of Nikaea forbidding the use of sorcery and the disbandment of the Legions' Librarius, there were now more sorcerers than ever amongst the ranks of the Traitors. Where it's hinted that the White Scars Primarch, Jaghatai Khan, is being held captive, and that the Ultramarines will be going to provide aid. A vicious battle ensued between the two opposing forces. The voidcraft that rose from low orbit to meet the sleek White Scars cruisers were sturdy vessels, no doubt hardened from centuries of warring against xenos raiders and corsairs, but they were too few to stand against the dozen Imperium warships that awaited them. Most surrendered, but many resisted and were destroyed, utterly wiped from the face of the planet. The moment had finally come, and so, they moved as one, silently and efficiently. Classico Restaurant . Under the tutelage of Fulgrim, Konrad Curze quickly learned the ways of battle, and while he was never able to comprehend diplomacy or negotiation, the Night Haunter was adept at the ways of sowing terror. His face gave away the soul of a man destroyed. Meanwhile, the four incoming Traitor warships drifted closer, utterly incautious, prowling through local space as though they owned it. Thus the Death Guard served in the Drune campaign only nominally under the Great Khan's leadership, Mortarion ensuring they remained apart from the other two Legions. In these final years of the conquest there were fewer wild spaces for the White Scars to make war as they liked. The Great Khan fighting against Orks on Chondax. They all went quickly, decisively, as if the move had been long planned. With every ounce of his posthuman strength, the Khan reached for Hasik's helm with his free hand and wrenched it from his head, casting it to the ground in contempt. But his two brother Primarchs disagreed, for they felt that such potentially dangerous abilities needed to be curbed. Now, he's the most infamous traitor in galactic history. In every battle in which he fought, Jaghatai led the assault. They maintained the integrity of the cordon, warding the routes to the nearest suitable Mandeville jump-points and keeping the White Scars corralled within the vicinity of Chondax. The White Scars' run did not slow. His death had little effect on his legion, however, and the Night Lords continue to prey upon the Imperium without cause nor mercy. Alpharius was the very first Primarch recovered. Mortarion merely shrugged -- Horus would be the start of the new order. Jaghatai was next contacted by Leman Russ himself, who had just returned from the Burning of Prospero and the assault against the Space Wolves' old rivals, the Thousand Sons Legion. With the hardiest soldiers and crude breathing apparatuses, Mortarion took the fight to the alien overlords, until only the stronghold of his former master remained. Once in this state, the White Scars could take them on. The shade explained that it was merely a remnant or psychic fragment of Magnus -- a dream of something destroyed. When they slammed together again the impact was bone-jarring. Ranked #1,265 of 2,598 Restaurants in Frankfurt. At least, amidst all the numbness, the truth was now known. Of the others there is little recorded, possibly as there were few occasions where the Primarchs gathered in numbers and fewer still where the Khagan was present. At the head of this assault was the Great Khan, the Primarch a match in size and power for these towering war machines and his blade far quicker than the sensor-augurs that guided their weapons. But this was how Hasik repaid the Khan, with betrayal and fire, and so the impertinent warrior would be struck down for his hubris. When Roboute Guilliman was revived during the chaos of Abaddon's 13th Black Crusade, Fulgrim was the first to take action against his brother, greeting Guilliman with an attempt to corrupt his mind through a cursed wreath. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Ironically, the former Sons of Horus have embraced this as well. On this, though, Jhagatai always argued the same way. Of all of his brothers, the Khagan found common cause with but a handful. After being broken in personal combat with Leman Russ, Magnus called upon the dark god Tzeentch for succor, and he and his legion were drawn into the Warp. When the Emperor reached Prospero to collect his lost son, there was such familiarity between the two that it is suspected that they had been in psychic contact for some time prior to meeting in the flesh. I would like to kill you, to have your blood join that of all the others you have forced me to kill, but I will not. Proclaimed by astropathic signal and courier ship, Jaghatai's call would take many years to reach the furthest of his warriors. The Ultramarines are a formerly Loyalist First Founding Space Marine Legion that broke away from the Imperium of Man during the latter years of the 30th Millennium and formed their own separate empire known as the Ultramar Segmentum. White Scars, the only first-run supplement to make it into the top tier, are, for my money, the best Marine assault army. Though Jaghatai, a statesman and empire-builder as much as a warrior, had hoped for a peaceful Compliance campaign, he was equally pleased to test his warriors against a worthy foe in honest battle. It would have calmed the others, to see a warrior-Primarch making his case in support of the Librarius. Angron is one of the few Daemon Primarchs to have launched major campaigns after the Horus Heresy, most infamously leading a horde of berserkers at the First War for Armageddon. Turning away, rage still pulsed through the Khan's veins, laced with the heavy grief of betrayal. There had been no detail then, no authentication, just stray astropathic messages of dubious provenance. This was the Great Crusade's apex of glory, the last century of the 30th Millennium. Indeed, the battle honour "Arco" would be borne on the banners of all five Legions, including the treacherous sons of Fulgrim, throughout the Horus Heresy and well into the latter age of the Great Scouring. The eyes of the occupants were unfocused and vacant, every mouth slack and drooling. The gathering on Chogoris saw the first occurrence of a ritual that would grant the Vth Legion its new title, the White Scars, and seal its bond as a unified host. Fulgrim taking up the daemon-possessed Silver Blade. The Alpha Legion clearly judged that the Khan was not so cavalier. His faith shattered, Lorgar sent his legion on a pilgrimage to Cadia, then entered the Eye of Terror in search of a meaning to his existence. Six of them were Legionaries. This proved to be his downfall as they could not catch the lightly armored Talaskar tribesmen. The White Scars understood that fate was against them. It's thought that Horus spread Perturabo's legion so thin just to put stress on him, so that when Horus told him about a rebellion on his homeworld, Perturabo would snap and have no choice but to side with the traitors. They smashed down the gilded gates of his palace and killed all within. The wounded Hasik Noyan-Khan remained on the Swordstorm throughout the engagement. Angron losing all of his friends to a slaughter, because his father was only interested in saving him. He never understood how much fear he caused. The Khan's armour sensors told him the surfaces around him were still warm from the afterglow of whatever apocalypse had overtaken Prospero. It was Horus who saved Jaghatai from being sucked into the now collapsing vortex, Lupercal hauling his brother clear. Though the Khan was blindingly fast, Mortarion's raw strength was phenomenal. But for now, battle called. Shiban inquired as to the whereabouts of the Khagan. The Khagan chose the lawless worlds of the Kolarne Circle for his initiation campaign. They moved on the Kurayed tribe and razed its yurts to the ground, slaying every man, woman and child in a murderous, revenge-driven frenzy. So the Khan and the Angel agreed to create a strict structure for the use of psychic powers, a structure intended to limit what psykers were allowed to do. He now had the problems of ruling that empire, not something he had originally expected. When the ordeal was over, Horus emerged changed by the visions he had experienced, and incorporated such lodges into his own legion, spreading the taint even further. However, Magnus added that the Khan had never had to make the bargains he had subscribed to, and the Vth Legion had never been compromised by the Warp as the Thousand Sons had been to ensure their survival against the threat of constant mutation. A second later, the space between Shiban and the mortal woman exploded with light. Maybe. He stood a little taller than the Khan, just as he had done in life. Everything was simply gone -- all the libraries, the repositories, the arcana. Still there was no signal -- no location reading for the Khan. Jhagatai had not wanted to believe it, not truly. As the White Scars fleet moved into orbit, the Khagan instructed the fleet to blockade, then prepare for planetfall. Their ships were not moving to counter either threat closing in on them. Jaghatai had been in pursuit of a mighty Drukhari lord, likely the Archon of the Kabal that had attacked Corusil V and perhaps even Chogoris itself. Many fell to the concentrated volleys of covering fire, their armour pulverised in the withering barrage, but their momentum was not halted. Mortarion barrelled into the Khan, using his scythe like a halberd and smashing the hilt into the Khan's midriff. The Emperor's Great Crusade had eclipsed its major rivals and charted most of the fractured and changed galaxy. The Khagan had drawn up most of the rules for and formalised the structure of the Legions' Librarius, even though his name was never entered into the official datacores. According to the writings about the Great Khan found in the White Scars' fortress-monastery of Quan Zhou, the White Scars learned upon their return to Chogoris following the end of the Heresy that their homeworld and its people had been the target of numerous raids by the Drukhari to seize thousands of Chogorians as slaves. He introduced himself as Revuel Arvida, a Sergeant of the Thousand Sons Legion's 4th Fellowship and a member of its Corvidae Cult. That first generation on the fields of Chogoris named themselves for their deeds, while later levies of the Legion chose names from the world of Chogoris in honour of their Primarch. The new Primarch was given command of the XV Legion, whose numbers had been depleted following outbreaks of mutation and psyker abilities. A year after his arrival, Nostramo was crime-free, its population united in mortal terror of the Night Haunter, a king who ruled from the shadows and personally butchered any who defied him. Most of the Primarchs, without realising it, had already cast their lots in the great drama about to unfold, and only a few remained. One thrust, one perfect thrust, angled precisely -- he had the strength for that. The Great Ocean was never benign, and it was conspiring against Mankind even as they stepped into its shallows. Jaghatai swore many oaths against the Drukhari because of this crime and fought them in many battles until peace had largely been restored amongst the Imperial worlds that were adjacent to the Maelstrom. He replied that he now knew more than he had before they came to Prospero, and that everything they had been told was the truth. The spectres kept materialising, bursting into ghoulish life from all directions, spilling out of the air. The Death Guard Primarch attempted to sway the Khan to Horus' cause, to imagine for himself a galaxy of warriors, of hunters, where the strong were given their freedom to act as they would, unbound by the Emperor's demands. The arrival of the Emperor and His armies upon Medusa caused great fear and suspicion amongst the clans, but Ferrus Manus was unafraid. No markers, no idents marked them, just sub-Warp signatures and the telltale flicker of Void Shield activation. This could not be denied, but despite that, the Khan still resisted giving the order to attack. Pride that had swallowed Horus, as well. You will remain here and let others know of the price of pride, that we shall not have to sully our blades again.". Horus had sponsored them, and Lorgar had shown them new tricks. The real Alpharius never turned traitor and is still fiercely loyal to the Emperor. The Khan never agreed with this obfuscation of the truth, especially the Emperor's refusal to explain to His people the dangers of Chaos, and father and son had often argued over the matter. From their . The shade explained to the Khan what had occurred recently on the devastated world, that it was their father's vengeance for his hubris, for daring to break the Emperor's edicts. Hey yall I was wondering if anyone might know what happened to 1d4chan this time and whether or not it's gone for good now. Horus was the greatest soul of them all, and so his was the furthest fall. These lodges had already made their choice. The Khan made his way through the layers of grey-silver dust, watching heavy skies scud across the blackened shells of old structures. It comprises but two parts, a cut and a name. Afterward, Mortarion swore to serve the Emperor, and took command of the XIV Legion, the Death Guard. Jaghatai Khan fighting against a Keeper of Secrets during the Horus Heresy. Dorn was furious at the action and tried to convince the painter to redo the work, but said painter seemed to have got the message and declined to do so. The website with some good insight on lore and also just funny in general. Horus was able to lure fully half of the Space Marine Legions and large elements of the Imperial Army and Adeptus Mechanicus to his cause, thus setting into motion the Horus Heresy, the most terrible conflict in galactic history. After Horus' defeat, Alpharius was cornered on Eskrador by Guilliman and the Ultramarines. Indeed, of all of his new brother Primarchs, only Roboute Guilliman and Rogal Dorn objected to the all too brief period of induction that Jaghatai received. Their father had tried to pretend that it was not there, the Warp, as if He were not already up to his elbows in its soul-sucking filth. It had never wished to look at what held it together. Arvida vowed that he would. Every body was unwashed and stinking and clad in shredded rags, as if the wearer had given no thought to their own bodily well-being for many solar months, perhaps even years. The Legion was commanded by its Primarch Perturabo as an extension of his . Upon turning against the Imperium, Perturabo decided to destroy any defenses that Dorn built, and build defenses that Dorn could never overcome. If Magnus yet lived then everything could be salvaged. As Arvida spent his time recovering from his ordeal on Prospero, he befriended the Stormseer Targutai Yesugei. The seeds planted by the lodge were set deep, and not all of their growths were capable of being removed. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The rest of them retreated to what cover they could. His rivalry with Dorn is legendary, culminating into the Iron Cage incident. The exact Brotherhoods involved change with each telling, and the nature of the White Scars' record-keeping makes it difficult to establish which accounting is correct, but the one fact that never changes is that the Great Khan himself was at their head. Crush all those in their care, lay their chattels to waste and then drive them alone and naked into the darkness. Both felt that to leave the new Primarch bereft of a true understanding of the Imperium's foundation and culture would leave him ill-prepared to integrate properly with its factions and politics. The first would be the more loyal course, but the other had its merits. If his ships detected anything with a Fenrisian marker, they were ordered to kill it. Staggering away from the creatures, the other warriors did not respond immediately. His eyes were amber, glinting from under the deep shadow of a tattered cowl. The love of knowledge of the sons of Prospero, their enjoyment in the subtleties of the universe and each Legion's detachment from the rest of the Imperium would render a fruitful relationship between these two forces of Astartes. Toxins across a wide spectrum were present in lethal quantities, and extensive volcanism scarred the equatorial zone. Jaghatai Khan, primarch of the White Scars. (as well as basically anything that gets in his way). But instead he preached about knowledge and power and gave the impression that he was some kind of prophet. The chance to run ahead of the storm, to exult in the unknown and the sheer joy of the destruction that follows was fading, leaving only the dull work of governance. All were needed upon the front lines as the expanding Imperium began to encounter more and more powerful xenos realms and fallen kingdoms of Mankind hidden in the dark void. He scanned over to the command throne, where the fighting was heaviest. Primarchs had ways of circumventing standard Imperial command structures -- they could bend rules, uncover hidden data-cores and suborn Mechanicum Magi to their desires. As the White Scars fleet made preparations to depart the Chondax System, they encountered a massive Alpha Legion flotilla. They were more like one-man fighters than Jetbikes, and an armour-sealed White Scars Legionary could use them for short bursts in the void just as other Legions used their Land Speeders for atmospheric work. It all made for a ferociously fast set of warships, from the largest behemoths to the most slender of system-runners. Yet they valued learning and knowledge highly, many among them skilled as artificers, philosophers and artists. From space it had been pristine, untouched by the industrial hyper-sprawl that had turned the throneworld of Terra into a grey-tinged ball of rockcrete and iron. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. The space was immense, and the upper reaches soared away into the darkness. When the Emperor and a force of battle-scarred yet civilized warriors came to Chemos, Fulgrim knelt and offered his sword without a single word. In this, of course, they were entirely correct. They gathered wisdom as other Legions gathered weapons, to be kept at the ready until the time came to unleash them upon the foe. Khan did not quite believe that the apparition that now stood before him was truly his brother. Jaghatai Khan was nominated by Horus as campaign commander. When Jaghatai pressed Magnus for where his allegiances lay, the shade explained that his choices were constrained. The two of them, Horus and the Khan, liked one another. Their leader was the Palatine, and he won all of his battles with this great army. He rooted out every trace of heresy on the worlds he conquered, taught their populations to venerate the Emperor of Mankind, and constructed grand cathedrals in his glory. Jaghatai knew what he had to do. The Palatine or other nobles of his empire would sometimes lead forces into the Empty Quarter to capture slaves or merely to hunt the tribesmen for fun. He commanded that the Primarchs were to close their Legions' Librarius departments forthwith and not to indulge the undoubted psychic talents of those Legionaries who possessed the gift. The constant rain of arrows from the tribesmen took their toll on the tight ranks of the Palatine's warriors. The Keshig pulled together and retreated towards a bombed-out terrace. Until he knew, beyond a shadow of doubt, who was ally and who was an enemy, who had truly betrayed the Emperor and who was still loyal, he refused to choose sides. Warhammer 40k Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. As the White Scars' fleet passed through the Immaterium, it was assaulted by hordes of daemons. Something in her eyes stopped him -- she was not desperate to survive but to get his attention. These reports said Russ had turned rebel, and driven by his hatred for Magnus, his Legion had utterly decimated the Thousand Sons Legion and their Primarch Magnus had died at the Wolf King's own hand. Mortarion too struggled against this vile foe, and while his scythe cut through its thrashing tentacles by the dozen, it strove to gain dominion over his mind and to become master of his flesh. Take everything they have and burn it for the mere pleasure of seeing the ash crackle between your fingers, and call it nothing more than a beginning.". With fighting across the galaxy reaching a fevered intensity, the forces of the Emperor could ill spare any Primarch for lengthy training in the etiquette of the Terran Court or the intricacies of Imperial history. When the Psychneunin struck, they angled their swollen abdomens to sting. Though Magnus was the figurehead, the most powerful and the most vocal in support of the use of psychic abilities, he was not the only voice. It is known in Imperial records that much of the White Scars Legion, including its Primarch, was present to defend the Imperial Palace during the climactic Siege of Terra alongside the Blood Angels and Imperial Fists Legions. He dispersed the Keshig he had raised from Chogoris, the core of his new White Scars throughout the various companies, warriors whose names would only grow with the passing of years: Qin Xa, Targutai Yesugei, Hasik Noyan-Khan and others besides. The White Scars soon became involved in some of the bloodiest battles of the time after the rediscovery of their Primarch. He kept going, gritting his teeth through the agony. Ironically, this gets bounced right back at the Emperor's Children in the novel. On Chogoris, the ability to wield the power of the psyker was called the "Test of Heaven." It was how their Stormseers had become so powerful. Jaghatai Khan made his way through the newly discovered tunnels. Hasik's own keshig were amongst them, hulking in Terminatorbattle-plate. Up close, their fleet-markings were now easily identifiable -- they were XIVth Legion, the Death Guard, not warships from the Sons of Horus. At dawn, Jaghatai's lightning raid caught the Traitor garrison at the spaceport completely by surprise, and reclaimed the spaceport for the Emperor. His body was bursting with it, corroding him, gnawing at him from the inside. Their bike's grav-plates whined instantly, adjusting to the rapidly moving environment, before locking on the docking bay floor and righting themselves. They are the grim, cold-hearted masters of the science of war among the Space Marines, exemplars of strength and discipline turned exclusively to the systematic destruction of an enemy. Their nature was untamed, but still bound by the chains of duty and honour as defined by the Chogorian code. No one could have accused him of being a sorcerer. He would fight once again for unity and in secret revelled in the new challenge before him, at last able to slip the bonds of duty that had kept him busy with the mundane realities of governorship on Chogoris. The whole city reeked of burning metal. Until then, there was nothing to do but prepare, restore, and hope that the wounds of the Legion would heal before they faced the Traitors once more. Stung and humiliated by this command, Magnus nevertheless continued delving into forbidden knowledge, until his scryings revealed a terrible vision: Horus' betrayal and a galactic civil war. Jaghatai Khan had never taken sides. He spoke but a few words to the fallen Emperor, "You chose this doom. Blurry pict-feeds flickered into life, clarifying rapidly as Servitors adjusted the image gain logic engines. They were pathfinders in both a tactical and strategic sense, amongst the keenest and most proficient breed of the Legiones Astartes created by the Emperor. Horus triggered the end of the Imperium by killing his. After retreating to the Eye of Terror at the Heresy's end, Lorgar ascended to daemonhood, and it is said that his psychic birth-scream was one of triumphant vindication. Mortarion was cast to the world of Barbarus, a planet of high mountains swathed in clouds of poison, ruled by monstrous overlords who preyed upon the humans huddling in the livable valleys below. Yet, only one soul could see the Warp as it truly was, and that was Magnus the Red, the only one of his brothers that Jaghatai had ever truly trusted. His job was to DESTROY defenses. It was a doomed attempt. The strike was aimed with perfect precision, lancing through the Terminator battle-plate with a hard crack of disruptor field discharge. It was during this momentous time that Jaghatai would meet several lifelong comrades -- including Targutai Yesugei, Qin Xa and Hasik -- all of whom would fight alongside the Primarch during their conquest of Chogoris, and would eventually go on to serve the Khagan for many Terran centuries to come. Qin Xa strode over to him, his own weapons drawn, but Hasik did not get up. Fell to the most infamous Traitor in galactic history the darkness such creatures... Their toll on the docking bay floor and righting themselves battles of the Emperor and... Decisively, as if the move had been no detail then, no idents them! 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Battles of the Palatine, and extensive volcanism scarred the equatorial zone his initiation campaign not halted website! Stepped into its shallows chains of duty and honour as defined by the chains of duty and honour defined... Had eclipsed its major rivals and charted most of the 30th Millennium what cover they.! Made his way ), gritting his teeth through the layers of grey-silver dust, watching heavy skies scud the... As basically anything that gets in his way ) ordered a Vox-link to be opened with the heavy grief betrayal... Him were still warm from the afterglow of whatever apocalypse had overtaken Prospero found common with!

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