April 12, 2023. The 12 days of Christmas are a time of celebration and of giving. Heres our dessert recipe for a light. The wind gets colder as winter deepens. The red berries that help wild animals survive the winter give us the reds. The fourth day of yule is typically celebrated by spending time with loved ones. It's also easily adaptable to a small group of people. For example, this past winter solstice occurred at 11:28 AM on December 21st in the United States, while it occurred at 12:38 PM on December 22nd in Australia. All activities are family-friendly but also great for individuals. The word Yule comes fromOld Englishgeol, which shares a history with the equivalent word from Old Norse, jl. On this one day, the sun stands still in the sky, and everyone on earth knows that change is coming. I was told that birch is endangered. Tied with red ribbon, such logs make ideal Christmasgifts! While youre at it, you can also decorate the rest of your home. In reply to Whoever whatever whenever by Justin (not verified). When everyone has finished, you may either dismiss the circle if you cast one to begin with or formally end the ritual in the ways of your tradition. If you have a mixed group, make adaptations as necessary. WebTo me, 12 nights of Yule is largely feasting, drinking, singing songs and giving offerings to land wights, the Disir (specifically mother's night) and gods to thank them for the past Love this article? She is the author of Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch, Wicca Practical Magic and The Daily Spell Journal. After the Water person reaches their spot, the leader resumes the role of speaker. Once you've got the physical stuff done, now it's time to focus on the fun part. It is thought to have originated as a pagan festival. Yuletide is also the perfect time to declutter or redecorate your space and start fresh. Finally, the Mother lights the candle held by the Crone. It's also a time to celebrate with family and friends, and share the spirit of giving during the holidays. Once you start looking for the connections, you wont be able to stop! Your offering will be appreciated even if youre off key. If there's no room for a tree, use a Yule Log instead. This can include a christmas tree, ornaments, lights, and other festive decorations. The Wild Hunt is the ghostly parade of spirits who would ride wildly throughout the night and snatch up any travelers wandering crossed their path. The Christmas tree is a symbol of the Yule log and is traditionally decorated with candles, ornaments, and garland. Donations are then presented to local aid groups, food pantries, libraries, and shelters. The yule log was thought to have the power to ward off misfortune, so it was kept in the home yearlong. Many of the traditions that are celebrated during the 12 days of Christmas have been around for centuries. Spell jars made with empty ornament bulbs, also known as witch balls, make great decorations as well. In many countries, the 12 days of Christmas are a time when families and friends get together to celebrate. As the sun returns to the earth, life begins once moreit's a time to bid the Crone farewell, and invite the Maiden back into our lives. Theres no definitive answer, but one possible explanation is that green is often associated with the natural world. Both these words referred to a midwinter festival centered around the winter solstice, which traditionally marked the halfway point of the winter season. I find that its the perfect time to reflect and set my intentions, and it helps me to do money spells during Yule because I feel a sense of peace surrounding the spell instead of greed. Evergreen plants give us the greens we use to symbolize Christmas and Yule. Notably, the Holly King is generally described as a woodsy figure dressed in red with sprigs of holly in his hair. If you cant find a Yule log, you can also use a piece of wood that has been dried for at least a year. So lets talk about Yuletide! There are both traditional songs honoring gods and goddesses, and modern hits rewritten to fit the Yule holiday. For instance, you may honor a god or goddess that expects those who have to help those who have not. There is, of course, the traditional route with a slight variation. Day 4: Coyote Day!! First, set up a Yule tree near the north side of your altar. Leave an offering that feels right to you. Once the Earth person has returned to his or her spot in the circle, the individual holding the Air symbol, at the east, begins a rotation around the circle, saying: May the powers of Air bless this donation.Air is the soul, the breath of life in a community.Wisdom and intuition, the knowledge we share freely,Air carries away troubles from our community.With these powers of Air, we bless this donation.. Decorate the home with ribbons and garlands, and the Yule Tree. Instead of the singular Horned God, they believe in the Holly King and the Oak King, as different divine personalities that rule during the winter and summer seasons. If your tradition requires you to formally cast a circle, do so now. It is customary that no work is done during the yuletide. As Christianity began to spread in the 4th century, the Christmas feast day was set on December 25 by Pope Julius I to align with the Roman pagan holidayDies natalis solis invicti, the birthday of the invincible Sun. The rest ishistory. Wigington, Patti. So that may be another potential origin of the Christian Santa Claus character. Yule is a time to celebrate the winter solstice and the return of the sun. Cover the altar with a winter-themed altar cloth if possible, and in the center, three white candles in individual candleholders. If you have a Book of Shadows, you can write your goals in it. Here are the main correspondences for Yule/the Winter Solstice. Throughout history, bonfires have been a critical part of both the Winter Solstice and Yuletide celebrations. Yule songs and carols are an entertaining way to celebrate the season. There is no one answer to this question, as the proper greeting for Yule may vary depending on your cultural background. However, other colors such as red, silver, and gold may also be used to represent Yule. Since the night hours will only get shorter after that point, Yuletide represents the rebirth of the Sun God. In Sweden the goat came to be associated with the Christmas celebration, and the Yule goat is now considered by many to be a companion or counterpart to Santa Claus. Modern practices include the nightly lighting of candles honoring the Nine Noble Virtues which come from Odinism or Asatruism. Enslaved people were temporarily freed and treated as equals for one month. Learn more about Christmas traditions from the Christmas Tree to the Holiday Wreath. However, this has been disputed in recent years, at least one historian positing that jol was a new year festival intended to set the tone for the months ahead. Holiday Tree Blessing Ritual. So basically, all these colors invite good luck into the upcoming year. Epiphany is traditionally celebrated on January 6, and it marks the end of the Christmas season. There are those who choose to use vacation time from work so they can have the entire yuletide off as well. There are eight holidays, or Sabbats, that are traditionally recognized. This can be a fun activity to do with your family or friends. Without even doing anything beyond what you would probably normally do, you can make each of the twelve days a holiday for your kids. Yule is a time to celebrate the hope of returning light and life. If you believe in the dark night of the soul, then there truly is no better day! For example: Dont have room for a tree? A wish spell can also work well if cast on the Winter Solstice. If you have an extender on your vacuum cleaner, use it to suck up cobwebs and dust from the ceiling fans, baseboards, and other hard-to-reach spots. Epiphany is traditionally celebrated on January 6, and it marks the end of the Christmas season. There are many traditions that are associated with Yule. Generally, these people will wear seasonal colors or black, to represent the Sun God or the Goddess. You might need to install other software to open this address, 2023Yankee Publishing, Inc., An Employee-Owned Company The 12 days of Yule are a time for celebration and for giving thanks. It begins on Winter Solstice day and runs through the new calendar year (January So Yule has finally rolled around. Pagan holidays are often associated with druids, so it makes sense that some of the earliest Winter Solstice rituals come from the Celtic priests of ancient Britain. Make sure you move the furniture around and clean beneath each piece it's time to get all the yuck out of your house, and dustbunnies are notorious for getting in the corners under the couch. Or perhaps you like to troll the ancient yuletide carols? Its often associated with money, wealth, and good fortune. The Winter Solstice was celebrated as early as the Stone Age, when Newgrange in Ireland and Maeshowe in Scotland were constructed. You see, many pagans consider the four intermediary festivals between solstices and equinoxes more important because they are based on Celtic, not Germanic beliefs. Whoever whatever whenever your tradition is for celebrating natures rhythms, blessings to you! There is no one answer to this question as Yule is a holiday that is celebrated by a variety of different religions. Before you hold your Yule ritual, you may want to set up an altar to celebrate the season. [44][46] A passage of the Commentary on the prophet Daniel by Hippolytus of Rome, written in about 204, has also been appealed to. The yule log was lit on Christmas Day and burned for the following Twelve If you make it a week or two in advance, you can enjoy it as a centerpiece prior to burning it in the ceremony. Yule | Pagan, Log, Theme, Celebration, & Facts | Britannica In fact, for me, Yule is always a time for introspection to sit back and reflect and consider what I want the next year to look like. However, the Wild Hunt wasnt always terrifying; this is really more of a Christian concept. Originally, Yule was intended to serve as a paganfeast and celebration, while the Catholic Christmas feasts (also known as the Epiphany) were separate. Since weve already talked about the symbolic meaning of Yuletide, you can probably guess what each of these colors represents. In the story of the birth of the Sun God, you can see why Yuletide represents the return of light after a long winter. When it comes to savory foods, meals with pork or boar meat are customary. These logs were set on fire at one end; it could take 12 days for the log to burn out, and the people feasted until the fire from the log went out. DMCA. Like most winter solstice festivals, themes of light, fire, and feasting are common threads. Become who you were meant to be! The Crone removes her veil and hands it to the Mother, who places it on the Maiden's head. Now that weve cleared that up, lets get back to the festivities. Here are some tips on how to celebrate the 12 days of yule in a way that is fun and festive for your family. I put candles (in safe places) all over my home and keep our day bright, even though the sky is dark. The Ancient Greeks celebrated The Feast of Poseidon during the Winter Solstice. For example, the evergreen tree is a popular symbol of Yule, and green is often the color of leaves on evergreen trees. The Twelve Days of Yule for pagans, celts, and practitioners all around the world begins on Mothers Night, Yules eve, December 20th, moving forward 12 days with the Twelfth Night ending on December 31st. Youd be surprised how realistic they feel; I swear these videos give off real fire energy. Nowadays, most people simply prepare a chocolate cake to represent the log. I hope this gives you a great overview of Yule and the Winter Solstice! Ancient people were hunters and spent most of their time outdoors. They are a time to celebrate the return of the sun and to enjoy the company of family and friends. If your windows have mini-blinds, dust them and wipe them down. You can also start wrapping christmas gifts to get ready for the holiday season. Copyright 2023 Wicca Academy. If you want to connect to your ancestors, then Yule is the perfect time to look up recipes from your lineage (even if they were made thousands of years ago the energy is still strong) and try out something new. The point of Yule decorations is ideally to use things youve had a hand in making, not items youve purchased. Yule is a 12 day holiday, it begins on Mothers Night (December 21st) and ends 12 days later on Yule Night (January 1st). With that in mind, well leave you with the lyrics of one of the Yule songs you might sing during Wiccan festivals. Its a great time to scry, connect, meditate, or do shadow work. There is no shame to be found in accepting help, and there is no superiority in providing it. Traditionally a pig or boar would be sacrificed, then a ham would be made for the feast. This ritual can be performed by a group of four or moreclearly, it's designed for at least four women, but if you don't have that many, don't sweat itimprovise, or allow one woman to speak all the roles. According to Norse belief, each spark from the fire represented a new piglet or calf to be born during the next year. Other natural items like pine cones, herbs, and spices are wonderful additions. So, throughout the year, the Goddess changes between her maiden, mother, and crone forms. According to the saga of King Haakon Haraldsson (also known as Haakon I Adalsteinsfostre or Haakon the Good) of Norway, who ruled in the 10th century, the Norse Yule celebration and Christian Christmas celebration were merged during his reign. https://www.learnreligions.com/about-yule-rituals-2562970 (accessed April 18, 2023). "Merry Christmas!" Of the other women present, one represents the aspect of the Maiden, another the Mother, and a third the Crone. For others cultures, the Yule log is defined as a log-shape chocolate cake enjoyed as a Christmasdessert. Families would bring the trunk of the Yule tree inside and stick the big end of it into the fireplace. It is thought that the original Yule log was a large log that burned throughout the entire multiday festival, for as many as 12 days. Many believed that bonfires would keep the evil spirits of the night away (essentially a protection spell), while others thought that the light from the fire would help to usher the light of the sun into the sky again. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. The High Priestess then says: O Crone, the Wheel has turned once more.It is time for the Maiden to claim what is now hers.As you lie down for the winter, she is born once again. Learn Religions. We do so with no expectation of reward or celebration, but simply because it needs to be done. A Yule tree or wreath may have red and gold ribbons on it as well as decorative lights. If they were to celebrate in December, they would be doing it on what is the longest day in the Southern Hemisphere. Haakon became Christian after a visit to England, and after his return to Norway he put into law that Yule should be celebrated at the same time as Christmas. The Alfar are male ancestors and powerful nature spirits. Even Christmas trees were originally a part of the pagan Yule holiday! Some people also decorate with fruit to manifest fertility and abundance in the coming year. Many of these ingredients are thought to have protective properties. The Philocalian calendar of AD 354 gives a festival of "Natalis Invicti" on 25 December. I recommend casting a defensive protection spell during the Winter Solstice rather than an offensive spell. The stump could be harvested from the surrounding estate or received as a gift, but never bought. Traditional 12 Days of Christmas Variation. [49] In any case, Yule is only one of eight Wiccan holidays that exist on the Wheel of the Year. You could also have a potluck dinner and ask everyone to bring a dish to share. This could include a christmas ham, roast turkey, or other traditional christmas dishes. April 12, 2023.ITEP Staff. Yule is one of the oldest pagan winter solstice holidays. Green is also considered to be a lucky color in many cultures. ! With that in mind, lets talk about Yule symbols. The mistletoe was meant to represent the sun and light during the darkest day of winter. These holidays represent birth, death, and rebirth. After decorating the log, a family might burn it in a hearth or an outdoor fire pit while singing songs. Create a place that's a permanent home for them a basket in the bathroom, a drawer in the kitchen, wherever people read. Use an environmentally-friendly cleaner to get rid of dirt and grime. It should be noted that some Wiccans only distinguish between two of her phases the maiden and the mother/crone. Like at every solstice, we acknowledge that darkness will always be defeated by this brighter side, with each day continuing to get longer as we head towards our beloved summertime! Now that you know all about the basic Yule symbols, you should have some idea of what you can put on your altar. It is said that the Wild Hunt begins on the Winter Solstice and progresses throughout the Yule feasts. Perhaps your deity has blessed you in some special way, and to honor him or her, you want to share your good fortune with others. In some cases, it may represent new beginnings, growth, and fertility. As we have established, Yule has several symbolic interpretations. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. You can spend some more quality time with your loved ones or plan out how you are going to achieve one of those goals that have been lingering in your mind but havent had any specific direction yet. To many pagans, Yule is like the traditional New Year holiday. The most important part about celebrating Christmas in our modern lives is cleaning up before it begins! The Yule log is another one of those pagan customs that have inexplicably found their way into Christian traditions. Many people around the world celebrate the Christmas holiday season, and many of those people celebrate for 12 days. Alison Eldridge is Managing Editor, Strategic Content at Encyclopaedia Britannica. Check out our other articles:Sigils for NewcomersJar Spells Made SimpleGet to Know Your FamiliarCandle Color MeaningsMoon Phases and Simple RitualsSee All Articles. This can be a great way to honor your deities and your Pagan community, as well as help others recognize what an important occasion it is. While you do that, you can think of anything youd like to accomplish in the New Year. Finally, the most important part of Yule is the Christmas tree. If you want to celebrate Yule/the Winter Solstice at home, there are endless ways to do this. Many stories exist throughout history to reinforce this tradition: Its not an option for everyone but some practitioners decide to conduct no business matters during the time of Yule. Terms of Use | From Germanic sources stories of the Goddess Berchta expected you to complete all work prior to Yule, punishing those who had left work undone. Traditionally, the Lord/God or The Lady/Goddess as well as other deities were honored during these holidays. One of the most important aspects of Yule is the celebration of family and friends. WebA Guide to Celebrating the 12 Days of Yule - Jenn Campus Move the incense around each door and window, and go through each room, following along the lines of the walls. "Yule Rituals." Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Historically, Yule was celebrated by various Germanic and Scandinavian peoples. On the other hand, those with a Pagan denomination celebrate the 12 days of Yule. You can place them on your altar if you like, and place that in the center. Here are some of my favorite ways to celebrate Yule that are authenticand easy. Place the Yule log on the altar, along with the candles, herbs, and salt. The candles and lights associated with Christmas, meant to symbolize guiding beacons for the Christ child, may have evolved from the Yule log, which was lit to entice the Sun to return as part of thejl(Yule) festival inScandinavia. Yule became a name for Christmas about the 9th century, and in many languages yule and its cognates are still used to describe that holidayjul in Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish; joulud in Estonian; joulu in Finnish; and jol in Icelandic. Yule logs are now often symbolized by a cake shaped like a log. What Channel Does Celebrity Big Brother Come On. In other cases, it may represent nature, springtime, and the environment. Since Yule is the festival of birth the birth of light and the Horned God thats what the red symbolizes. In fact, many consider holly berries to represent the blood involved in childbirth. This could include going for a walk in the park, visiting a christmas market, or going to see a christmas movie. I am so interested in non religious centered culture and traditions. No matter which version of the divine you subscribe to, the duality between the feminine Goddess and the masculine God is a core Wiccan belief. Yule, the winter solstice, is a time of great symbolism and power. Yule is the perfect time to decorate! Custom programming and server maintenance by Reinvented Inc. Wood ashes do indeed have beneficial uses in the garden! Yule is a time for family and friends to come together and celebrate the winter season. Adorn your home with evergreen boughs, holly, pine cones, and other winter trinkets. Happy Yule ! You could also use the purple and pink Advent candles. Decorate it with lights and symbols of the season. However, Wiccan households still decorate and burn (symbolically or otherwise) a real log. We give what we can, when we can, to aid those in need. The meaning of the color green can vary depending on the culture. In modern times Yule as a solstice celebration is observed by many Neo-Pagans, both as individuals and as groups. [48] The tractate De solstitia et aequinoctia conceptionis et nativitatis Domini nostri Iesu Christi et Iohannis Baptistae falsely attributed to John Chrysostom also argued that Jesus was conceived and crucified on the same day of the year and calculated this as 25 March. The seasons and weather played a very important part in their lives. With Tax Day quickly approaching its worth taking some time to reflect not just on tax forms (though those are important! Thank you for everything you all do in honor of those of us who are Pagan and celebrate Yule. Try some or even all of these ideas obviously, space may be a limiting factor for some, but use what calls to you most. This color roots the festival in nature and also symbolizes abundance since it is the color of money. Dont be surprised if you hear some familiar tunes. then simply light a fire during the morning and let it burn all day. In the Icelandic Svarfdla saga, warriors would postpone fights until after the Yuletide. I do believe that there is some truth to the hunt. It marks the return of the sun, when the days finally begin to get a little longer. Ask a participant at each directional point to hold the item. Many organizations do coat and clothing drives this time of year; look for one in your area. Dont light them just yet. Learn Wicca to gain a sense of purpose, inner peace, and so much more. The first thing you need to do is set up your altar. and "Happy Holidays!". Thank you for this interesting information on Yule! I like to leave out offerings during the Winter Solstice. Learn more about thiscenturies-old festival and its traditions (including the Yule logcake!). It is a time for giving thanks and for gathering with family and friends. Some contend that the original festival was a sort of Norse Day of the Dead, with the god Odin as a major player; among Odins many names was Jolnir, and among his many duties was acting as a god of the dead. Best of all, they provide a lovely contrast on the evergreen tree. A Yule Log is a fun Scandanavian tradition that you can try as well. So, how do you celebrate Yule like a Viking? White and gold represent the light associated with Yule festivities in equal parts. The Yule log would feed the fire through the 12 Days of Christmas (from Christmas Day through the evening of the 5th of Januaryknown as TwelfthNight). This was a time when the two holidays began Before you drop them off at the shelter, library, food pantry or wherever why not invoke the elements to do a formal blessing of the donated items? But how do you celebrate Yule like a Viking? In the Christmas story, Jesus is born on Christmas Day and he is baptized on Epiphany. Any sort of reflection spell feels good around the Winter Solstice. December 21 is for self reflection and rebirth. After the solsticethe shortest day of the yearthe days once again begin to grow longer, so its thought that Yule was a celebration of the re-appearance of the Sun and the fertile landsrebirth. This is one of my favorite Winter Solstice traditions because its simply so cozy! There are many ways to celebrate these days, some of which are traditional and some of which are more modern. Many churches use white as the color of Christmas. If you can't get something put away, get rid of it. The 12 days of Christmas are a time to remember the story of Jesus and to celebrate his birth and his baptism. Nature will provide pretty much everything youll need aside from ribbons and twine. Some endeavour to re-create traditions of the ancient Norse by burning yule logs or with feasts. Amen.". You'll also need a fire, so if you can do this ritual outside, that's even better. they provide a lovely contrast on the evergreen tree. Many Pagans, especially those While Yule is a great time for setting new things in motion, its also a time to let go of the past. This can be a fun activity to do with your family or friends. Whatever your reason may be, if youre gathering up some sort of donations, good for you! If your home has a common area like a family room or kitchen that tends to attract clutter, get a basket for each person who lives there. The ninth day of yule is typically celebrated by going shopping for christmas gifts. Similarly, some Wiccans project a parallel ever-shifting nature onto the masculine deity. Ask everyone whos participating to stand in a circle around the donated items. The 12 days of Christmas are a time of celebration and of giving. Ancient yuletide carols, holly, pine cones, herbs, and garland referred a! As red, silver, and so much more mini-blinds, dust them wipe! Then a ham would what to do on the 12 days of yule made for the Feast colors such as red, silver, and other Winter.! After that point, yuletide represents the aspect of the most important aspects of Yule is one! May also be used to represent the sun and light during the morning and let burn... As equals for one month Solstice was celebrated by a variety of religions! 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