It is also used elsewhere on the stone for God Seshu,[6] the male counterpart of Seshat (Seshait or Sesha-t). 4.8 out of 5 stars 9. The Egyptians believed that if something were comitted to writing it could be repeatedly "made to happen" by means of magic. They had a child called Hornub. Thank you! Scribe of the gods. Since the gods were thought to literally reside in their temples, this arrangement would be comparable to having a permanent house-guest in ones home who takes care of responsibilities one may value but simply has not time for. She was variously considered to be the sister, wife, or daughter of Thoth. Heliopolis was the location of her principal sanctuary. Seshat (Sesha, Sesheta or Safekh-Aubi) was a goddess of reading, writing, arithmetic, and architecture who was seen as either the female aspect of Thoth, his daughter, or his wife. His name meant "sky-bearer". When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. During the New Kingdom, she was involved in the Sed festival held by the pharaohs, who could celebrate thirty years of reign, recording the regnal years of the king and his jubilees on leaves of the ished or persea tree. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; Seshat carved on the back of the throne of the seated statue of Rameses II in the Amun temple at Luxor. Mark, J. J. Goddess Seshat, ca. She starts off as a powerful wise priestess and is later absorbed into Isis. He had sanctuaries and temples throughout Egypt, but his main cult center was at Thebes. Rosalie David writes: It would seem that the House of Life had both a practical use and a deeply religious significance. Women in ancient Egypt enjoyed a level of equality unmatched in the ancient world. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. She has a wide range of interests ranging from ancient cultures and mythology to Harry Potter and gardening. 1630 bce) depict her as the recorder of quantities of foreign captives and booty in the aftermath of military campaigns. Hermes is also known as the Roman god, Mercury. Who Was Seshat? Seshat "Goddess of Writing" Seshat Goddess of Writing - Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddess - Egypt Tours Portal. /*
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