The largest of these expeditions was the Sullivan Expedition of 1779, in which American colonial troops destroyed more than 40 Iroquois villages to neutralize Iroquois raids in upstate New York. 5. At the end of the war, these black Loyalists pressed the British to honor their promise of freedom, which they grudgingly did, providing transportation for them and many white Loyalists to the British colony of Nova Scotia in todays Canada. There were people from every social and economic class on both sides and in the middle, but there were demographic trends. In September 1776, loyalists flocked to New York after the British defeated George Washington and took control of Manhattan. download word file, 2 pages1.0 Not only could it lead to war with the British, a war which the British would almost certainly win, it could also result in domestic political disorder, with bitter divisions potentially breaking out into full-scale civil war. Bibliography Beard, Charles A. Explain how religious beliefs and social standing influenced some colonists decisions to choose a side in the American Revolution. Many Loyalists in the Caribbean relied on slave labor and were hesitant about the possibility of their property being freed. Accessed 18 Apr. Many colonists were confused - both sides seemed right and wrong. English common laws Lee went back to Virginia to see his wife and kids. N+\lR}_bV6e|/ After all, his dad had taught him to be a good citizen, love the king, and respect authority. Explain why the American Revolution was a civil war. After the Revolution, his father disowned him, saying that if England had won, there wouldn't have been any inheritance for William, anyway. That's a powerful reason to stay loyal. African Americans also served extensively on British vessels and were considered more willing and able than their British counterparts on the deck. Farmers in the backcountry South who had tried to stay out of politics found one side or the other plundering their food and horsesand promptly chose the other side. As citizens, they were inspired by Enlightenment ideals and the new language of liberty. Alexandra has taught students at every age level from pre-school through adult. Benjamin Franklin, a newspaper publisher and Enlightenment scientist, became a Patriot. Loyalists constituted about one-third of the population of the American colonies during that conflict. Log in here. After the French and Indian War (1754-1763) in North America, British leaders decided that American colonists should be responsible for paying down the war debts. Historians have not found any connection between educational level, occupation, position in society, or economic status and the choice to be a Patriot or a Loyalist. The patriots felt that England, by controlling them, was taking away the rights that they were born with, just as masters strip slaves of . Voltaire was right on target when he said that there are truths that are not for all men, nor for all times. Which of the following post-war developments ensured a continuation of the sentiments provided? 336 0 obj <>stream Explain how economic realities influenced some colonists decisions to choose a side in the American Revolution. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Loyalists were willing to risk treason and death to support colonial independence and remained devoted to the ideas of enlightenment. African Americansslave and freeserved on both sides during the Revolutionary War. The British heavily controlled economic conditions in the colonies, specifically when it came to trade rights, taxation, manufacturing, etc. Amanda has taught middle and high school social studies subjects for several years. %%EOF Loyalists were typically upper class, Patriots typically middle class, and neutrals usually lower class. When the Revolutionary War ended, the debate shifted to the kind of government the Americans were creating. But a divided household (when a patriot woman's husband was a loyalist) was legal grounds for divorce. Essay by 18 Apr. The Patriots are the people that are rebelling against their home government. Enslaved Africans and African Americans usually chose to support the British cause. The remaining state laws against them were repealed after the War of 1812. Maryland freed slaves who volunteered to fight, whereas in New England, a slave could only earn freedom if his owner sent the slave to serve in his place. The Loyalists were afraid of the soldiers. She has a BSEd in English Education. If the Patriots had lost the war, what would have been a likely consequence for them? In general, the cities (other than Philadelphia) had more of a British presence, while the countryside was the dominion of the Continental Army. Or have we the slightest reason to hope that those ministers and representatives will not be supported throughout the tragedy, as they have been through the first act? At the end, with the help of colonial army generals and considerable experience in the colonial the Patriot affairs proved to be formidable. Free Blacks overwhelmingly supported the Loyalists because that gave them opportunities elsewhere in the British empire. nt&,x}di|I |)ERFf>E86~6(^rS[kl5GmSZ;%0&H+hak}=IX 461reJK. George Washington's Leadership at Trenton, Saratoga & Valley Forge, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Loyalists and Patriots During the American Revolution. Colonist F has secretly grown concerned over the recent talk of independence from Britain. What are five reasons America colonists separated from Britain? Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness,, Explain how British colonial policies regarding North America led to the Revolutionary War, Explain how various factors contributed to the American victory in the Revolution. Those men who chose to continue supporting the king, like William Franklin, were called Loyalists, or Tories. The British made peace with the Americans in the Treaty of Paris (1783), through which they ceded vast American Indian territories to the United States without informing or consulting with the American Indians. Loyalists vs. Patriots of the American Revolution: Lesson for Kids, The Declaration of Independence | Text, Signers & Legacy, Cornwallis' Surrender at Yorktown Lesson for Kids: Summary & Facts, Loyalists in the Southern Colonies at the End of the Revolutionary War. Corrections? Calhoon, Robert M.The Loyalists in Revolutionary America, 17601781. U.S. merchants were able to trade with all countries, allowing them to quickly pay off their debts. Benjamin Franklin disowned his son William because he remained a Loyalist throughout the war and was exiled to England. Colonists in New York, New Jersey, and parts of North and South Carolina were ambivalent about the revolution. ALL CAN BE ACCESSED THRU MEDITATION. They made up about 15-20% of the white male population. Nonetheless, people from all socioeconomic backgrounds could be found on both sides. In our resource history is presented through a series of narratives, primary sources, and point-counterpoint debates that invites students to participate in the ongoing conversation about the American experiment. Frontier warfare during the American Revolution was particularly brutal and numerous atrocities were committed by settlers and native tribes alike. The most effective way to secure a freer America with more opportunity for all is through engaging, educating, and empowering our youth. Updates? Eighteenth Century (1720 -1770) *Trends in Colonial Development in the Eighteenth Century* - Colonial development in the 18th century British fisheries in Canada]. When every article of commerce, every necessary of life, together with our lands, must be heavily taxed, to defray that expense!, Charles Inglis, Anglican Church Minister in New York City,The Costs of Revolution, 1776. In 1775, the last royal governor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore, issued a proclamation offering male slaves their freedom in return for taking up arms to defend the kings cause. from Dordt University. Today, it's easy for Americans to say they would have been devoted Patriots from the start. Since Patriots subjected Loyalists, and even many neutrals, to the same public humiliation and violence with which they had handled British tax agents, many Loyalists who had the means moved to Canada or England early on. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Families were split by the Revolution. Like a lot of Americans, William didn't approve of the actions that the British government had taken against its own citizens. 1. American Indians led a coordinated attack on frontier outposts, stunning the British troops there. In fact, one member of the Constitutional Convention, William Johnson of Connecticut, had been a loyalist. These individuals were called loyalists. New York City and Long Island were the British military and political bases of operations in North America from 1776 to 1783 and maintained a large concentration of Loyalists, many of whom were refugees from other states. The Patriots rebelled against the British control, while the Loyalists, also known as "Tories" to the Patriots, remained loyal to the British crown. East Carolina's Holton Ahlers could be the QB the Patriots need (for other reasons) By Jim McBride Globe Staff,Updated April 16, 2023, 2 hours ago. Why Did Britain Switch To A Southern Military Strategy? The line served to protect Native lands and settlement rights and also help keep peace between Natives and the English (including colonists). Why Did That Strategy Ultimately Fail? Being a Loyalist means that you are "rooting" for the team that is likely to win. While some found it easy, others struggled to choose. They also were loyal to the monarchy and had been faithful British citizens for their entire lives. George Washington issued an order to recruiters in July 1775, ordering them not to enroll any deserter from the Ministerial army, nor any stroller, negro or vagabond. This order, however, was eventually reneged when manpower shortages forced the Continental Army to diversify their ranks. The Kings Friends: The Composition and Motives of the American Loyalist Claimants. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Other native communities were divided over which side to support in the war and others wanted to remain neutral. The primary concerns for many were the Enlightenment ideals of freedom and liberty. In a dangerous, hostile world, it makes sense to have protection, and the British were certainly more than capable of providing that. After five seasons at East Carolina, Holton . The largest group of neutral colonists was the Quakers, who are pacifists as a rule. "Identity is an enormously personal and political part of language," he said. God Against the Revolution: The Loyalist Clergy's Case Against the American Revolution traces them while taking into account divergent viewpoints on both . They were not confined to any particular group or class, but their numbers were strongest among the following groups: officeholders and others who served the British crown and had a vested interest in . In the port city of Boston, Patriots were motivated by political ideology, but also by economic concerns. Why? Patriots were also known as American Whigs, Revolutionaries, Congress-Men, and Rebels. These Patriots rejected the lack of representation of colonists in the British Parliament and the imposition of British taxes. Loyalist was a term used to . 5/k^Ki@v|Q:%7G8`+(7p~vw*K% u_ekb,NE "What is a reason to be a loyalist?" As the war progressed, many relocated to British strongholds within America. Loyalists were those colonials who were loyal to the King of Engl and. Despite William's attempts, the two never reconciled. This is the sickness, right here, that most endangers our country, from people who shout most loudly that they are PATRIOTS! He also reproduces some of their blind spots. Battles of Lexington & Concord Lesson for Kids: Summary & Facts, Why Did the Boston Massacre Happen? New England states offered male slaves freedom in return for their military service, although their owners had to agree to allow them to serve. The Patriots are the people that are rebelling against their home government. They had family in England and they didn't want to put them in danger. In addition, many Loyalists ended up moving to Canada after the war. Most in the colonies remained devoted to their Anglican religion, and the church itself experienced little change. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Officially, the Treaty of Paris ended the war and recognized the independent country of the United States of America in 1783. African Americans piloted vessels, handled ammunition, and even served as pilots in various state navies. Patriots won the American Revolutionary War and made the independence of the United States of America official in the eyes of England and the world. The events leading to the American Revolutionary War had been building for some time, prior to any actual fighting. There was another large segment of the population that had definite opinions, but no political voice, notably women, African-Americans, and Native Americans. Patriots, as they came to be known, were members of the 13 British colonies who rebelled against British control during the American Revolution, supporting instead the U.S. Continental Congress. For the Iroquois Confederacy, based in New York, the American Revolution resulted in civil war. Loyalists who remained in the colonies during the war found their property vandalized, looted, and burned. BRIs Comprehensive US History digital textbook, BRIs primary-source civics and government resource, BRIs character education narrative-based resource. New York alone furnished about 23,000 loyalist troops, perhaps as many as all the other colonies combined. Will the distinctions between the prince and the ministers, between the people and their representatives, wipe out the stain of blood? Why?" The colonists increasingly had to take sides in this civil war. WriteWork contributors. Patriots would be punished for rebelling against the Crown, and the organizers would likely face death. Examine the topic carefully with what you have learned. M.A. Retrieved 14:03, April 18, 2023, from Ideology. Colonists who openly proclaimed their loyalty to the Crown were driven from their communities. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2008. Historians estimate that between 15 and 20 percent of European-American colonists supported the Crown; some historians estimate that as much as one third of the population was sympathetic to the British, if not vocally. They had the advantage of fighting on their own grounds and also had a vast militia to cover their whole territory. No clear deciding factor predicted who would become a Patriot, a Loyalist, or neither, and generations of historians have tried to find a common pattern without success. If and when a war does occur, Britain is likely to win that war. 11b. Although many ordinaryAnglicans(members of the Church of England, the official state church in several colonies) became Patriots despite their religious beliefs, the vast majority of Anglican clergymen were Loyalists. Aside from Crown officials, who did generally side with what they called . Widespread corruption among local authorities, many who later became Revolutionary leaders, alienated colonists from the Patriot cause. - 25344772. flashcard sets. In the first act, a foppish clergyman enters . For years it was widely believed that . The expedition failed to have the desired effect, as American Indian activity became even more determined. How did the Revolutionary War affect the U.S. relationship with the Church of England? Congress recommended repressive measures against the loyalists, and all states passed severe laws against them, usually forbidding them from holding office, disenfranchising them, and confiscating or heavily taxing their property. 11. About 12,000 black loyalists aided the British in the hopes of achieving freedom. An error occurred trying to load this video. New York was their stronghold and had more than any other colony. The British recruited slaves belonging to Patriot masters and promised freedom to those who served. Expectations for support were never fully met. Back in the Colonial days, there were many reasons people would choose to be loyal to the British government or to be patriotic and attempt to establish a new nation. One man's story might help you understand. The American Revolution (1765-1791 time period, with official war dates between 1775 and 1783) made colonists choose sides between groups called Loyalists or Patriots. Loyalists During the American Revolution Americans today think of the War for Independence as a revolution, but in important respects it was also a civil war. Three Peoples One King: Loyalists, Indians, and Slaves in the Revolutionary South, 17751782. At least 5,000 black soldiers fought for the Revolutionary cause. In the Boston Massacre that night, he became the first African American to die for the American Revolution. It is also possible that some loyalists saw independence as an inevitability that could be achieved through peaceful means instead of open rebellion. Many former slaves who were promised freedom in exchange for their service in the Continental Army, however, were eventually returned to slavery. The choice was complex. This is the response he received: 'Nothing has ever hurt me so much and affected me with such keen Sensations, as to find myself deserted in my old Age by my only Son; and not only deserted, but to find him taking up Arms against me, in a Cause, wherein my good Fame, Fortune and Life were all at Stake.Your Situation was such that few would have censured your remaining (neutral), tho' there are Natural Duties which precede political ones, and cannot be extinguish'd by them.'. They chose to support the authority of the king rather than the power of the Parliament. George Washington lifted the ban on black enlistment in the Continental Army in January 1776, in response to a need to fill manpower shortages in Americas fledgling army and navy. The former NFL wide receiver has made a habit of trashing his former quarterback Tom Brady in the years since the duo won a Super Bowl together in 2020 with the Tampa . Famous patriots included George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and Ethan Allen. Latest answer posted May 29, 2019 at 11:21:48 AM. Just like political affiliations today, loyalists, patriots, and neutrals came from all social and economic classes, and many people took sides based not on principle but on who they thought was going to win or which side would profit them the most personally. 9. After all, at that time America was a very loose collection of independent political units. The Loyalist exodus also included Ohio Valley farmers who had relied on British military security against Pontiac s armies. hbbd```b``[dds, XMin``\ While the Patriots were adamant that they wanted freedom and self-rule, the Loyalists supported the British and fought against the Patriots. engraving showing the American treatment of loyalists, This article was most recently revised and updated by,, George Washington Mount Vernon - George Washington Digital Encyclopedia - Loyalist, The Canadian Encyclopedia - Loyalists in Canada. 1776: The Loyalists' Perspective. Another popular name for Patriot was Whig. Also, from 1779 to 1782, a Loyalist civilian government was re established in coastal Georgia. Small merchants, business owners, and certain religious groups were likely to follow the Patriot cause. New England had fewer loyalists than any other section. For many years leading up to the Revolution, there was great optimism that Parliament would change for the better. From Revolution to Reunion: The Reintegration of the South Carolina Loyalists. Ultimately, Americans remained Loyalists or joined the Patriot cause based on which side they thought would best promote their interests. eNotes Editorial, 18 Nov. 2019, What should he have done? For example, during early 1775 in the South Carolina backcountry, Loyalist recruitment outpaced that of the Patriots. During the American Revolution, colonists like Benjamin Franklin who supported republicanism and eventually, independence, came to be known as Patriots. They also believed that they were better taken care of under British rule. Loyalists and Patriots . Others were determined to remain neutral, even as that became harder in the midst of a civil war. Slaves also contributed to the Loyalist cause, swayed by the promise of freedom following the war. 14 Apr 2023 19:30:51 | 5 Henry, Patrick) Each of these views, both loyalists and patriots has a different argument as to why the colonies should either attempt to repair their relationship with England, or fight for independence. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2016. The American colonies had done very well economically as part of the British Empire. Their allies would safely transport Patriots out of the colonies. No. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the excerpt provided? U.S. products were well made and able to compete internationally, producing quick profits for the new country. Loyalists frequently went underground and covertly offered aid to the British. But he believed that the relationship between the king and colonies could and would be restored and that he was in a position of influence to help make that possible. Colonists traded with all European powers equally, competing for the best profits. Duration: 2 minutes, 27 seconds Certain I am that our commerce and agriculture, the two principal sources of our wealth, will not support such an expense. Adherence to religious freedom was respected to such a degree that religious affiliation with the Anglican Church did not matter to the colonists. The New England Patriots certainly could've benefitted from having a living, breathing highlight reel on their roster. Although Samuel Seabury might not be a household name, fans of the musical Hamilton should be able to identify him. 271 0 obj <> endobj While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Noncombatants suffered greatly during the war. Reasons to be a Loyalist SCROLL DOWN FOR MORe Hello fellow colonists my name is iris higglebottom I'm sure you are all wondering what is happening. By P. Scott Corbett,, provided by OpenStax College, published by Lumen Learning under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. An alliance was signed with the French to gain economic and military support. The largest portion of those who fled ultimately went to Canada, where the British government provided them with asylum and offered some compensation for losses in property and income; those who met certain criteria (based, in part, on when they left America and their contribution to the British war effort) were known as United Empire Loyalists in Canada. History shows that he chose poorly. In addition, many Native American groups, as well as Black Americans, were known to be Loyalists. (a) John Malcolm, a customs official loyal to the British Crown, is tarred and feathered by men in Boston in this 1774 print attributed to Philip Dawe. Proceeds are donated to charity. By July 4, 1776, Patriots controlled most of the territory within the 13 colonies and had expelled all royal officials. In The governor of Virginia had promised freedom to any slave who fought for the British. 3. Discuss the decision people made to be a Loyalist or a Patriot using social, political, and economic reasons. Jordy McElroy. Also wouldn't hurt to add, a Super Bowl champion who has shine in the game's . A total of 12,000 African Americans served with the British from 1775 to 1783. Five hundred such former slaves from Virginia formed Lord Dunmores Ethiopian Regiment, which is most likely the first black regiment to ever serve for the British crown. After watching this lesson, you should be able to: To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Thousands left the country after the war, including Native Americans and freed slaves. J8`57 faZ8EaVSKucD4$KB! 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