Yeah, Octavia doesn't like it for some reason. ", "It breaks my heart to see what this curse turned you into, in the end", (Lawful Evil) "You messed with an enemy more powerful than yourself. (Optional) If you are romancing Valerie at the same time, she'll confront you. Bartholomew, you may keep the troll. At this stage all that is required from the protagonist is a good attitude towards her and showing a desire to help. Let's not do this. ", "Yes. PLEASE HELP!!! If there is any (Neutral) dialogue option in their idle conversation, choose it. ", "Maybe I should cut you instead? Bald Hilltop (60 days and 100 Build Points)Most likely, the Bald Hilltop was really exposed to a curse that was born in ancient times, when evil rituals were performed on the top of the hill to raging forces whose name had long been forgotten. But break your promise and I'll make you regret it, even if I have to claw my way out of the Abyss to do so. Dorsey, the rejected bridegroom of a local girl, tried to use the well to curse the fairy, believing that she had bewitched his bride. In the case of Nyrissa, for a long time, this will be a one-way street and not anything reciprocal. ", (Neutral Evil) "And you've been hiding these potions from me all this time?! ", "Regongar, what is the meaning of this? What's going on? ", (Requires Lawful) "I believe that you and your kin aren't to blame for the disappearance of Varnhold's citizens. Stop trying to kill me and my subjects, and maybe I'll find a way to help you. The horns and the tail. ", "Right, ha ha! ", (Chaotic Good) "Those who don't wish to die for Irovetti may go. ", "I guess those glasses on your nose are just there to make you look smart, Jubilost. 5. Sounds dangerous. and our ", "She is beautiful, isn't she? Odds are if you just kill both kobolds and mites, Valerie will approve just as much. However, there are some things you must do to ensure you complete the Tiefling Twins romance. (Note: I think THIS dialogue option is very important and must be chosen), After beating this quest, I talked to Valerie and asked "How are things between you, the Storyteller and Linzi", Leave the capital and come back. Attack! ", "Regongar, what were you thinking? The variable 816b7cc721f372041a3475144a6176d4 in the file player.json should be set to 60.The next meeting is a visit to Nyrissas dream during the chapter "War of the River Kings.". ", [Solve the problem with force] "You know what? ", [Take Tristian by the hand] "And yet the answers you seek cannot be found on the pages of a book. Why not thank him for a change? ", "When you were drunk, you said no one needs you. 6. Official site; Official forums; On Steam; On GOG; Gamepedia. When the twins talk to you about romance, THE NEUTRAL BEST END PATH MEANS YOU MUST CHOOSE TO DATE BOTH OF THEM. But only on one condition: you play the prisoner again! During Troll Trouble, I did the Chaotic Good option of freeing the troll (Note that here is what made Octavia want to bang me). We have to get going soon. ", "That's a great idea! ", (Lawful Neutral) [Attack] "Filthy pests! For the rest, below you'll find a detailed description of all steps. ", "I gather you know each other pretty well? If you only choose one sister, BOTH will break up with you. Flower - Poison - Lake - Bones - Pedestal - Songbird, which you can then give to Nyrissa). This is your barony, and your responsibility. In order for Nyrissa to accept Briar from you, you need: 1.1. ", "The only thing that seems to have left you is your mind! For those who want to do it themselves and are looking only for a general direction - I will give a brief description without details in the first section of this guide. The Lantern King, with his curse, snatched away this part of the Nyrissa, turned it into The Briar, and hid it in the Stolen Lands. Choose "You know I'm a baron", then "You almost fell on me? It's none of your business. ", "Octavia, you're wrong. Now my mood's more bloodthirsty. ", Advance romance to Stage 2 and set CounterValue to 60, Advance romance to Stage 2 and set CounterValue to 60. During the next two rounds, the first time Kalikke uses an ability with a burn cost, this cost will be reduced by 1. "I'm ready to call both of you my wives and consorts" is the option that actually has you marry the twins. ", (Neutral Good) [Diplomacy 23] "Help me get rid of the Stag Lord. They are way easier to romance than the other options in the game. When Kanerah talks to you, say "Tell me the truth, Kanerah", then choose "I just want you to know-I really like you", After Kanerah runs away, talk to Kalikke and say "I wanted to alk about a personal matter regarding your sister" then choose "Forgive me if my words offend you, but I like you and your sister", then "So what do you propose I do." Football Club Dnipro (Ukrainian: , IPA: [d (j) n (j) ipr] ()) was a Ukrainian football club based in Dnipro.The club was owned by the Privat Group that also owns BC Dnipro and Budivelnyk Kyiv.. ", "Wait, I want to speak with them. Love can bind anyone. The area of the oblast (31,974 km 2) comprises about 5.3% of the total area of the country. We don't cut open our allies' muzzles, even if we really want to. Leave my lands. A secret it is then. You realize you let down the whole party? See you around. . How such a weak magical effect could lead to such an extraordinary result is absolutely impossible to understand. And the lycanthropes are only guilty of self-defense. Finally a useful post in this godforsaken corner of the internet. Choose the CG "I'm glad you found", Ideally, once you leave the throne, you should get Octavia's marriage scene. Their son helped them by selling the loot. At the end of it, you may be able to marry your beloved, or decide to skip the formalities and live together without titles and simply enjoy the relationship for what it is. Also ends romance with, Advance Romance to Stage 3 and set CounterValue to 65. But to achieve the Best Ending, it is enough to study only 13 of them. Kalikke also develops feelings, but must first overcome her concerns about loss or rejection. An update 2.1.1g is here! Just don't forget to pay your taxes. You can now have sex with Valerie. ", (Neutral Good) "Thank you, Tristian. When will you learn that we're not a gang of bandits? No need to get my hands dirty. You can begin her romance in direct dialogue or when she meets you in, To advance to third stage you need to enter, To advance to fourth stage you need to enter, "I bet your beauty inspired many people in the Order. I'll purge my lands of you! Kalikke and Kanerah will tell you about their past. What you're doing is inhumane. In the future, everything will proceed as usual, and sooner or later we will remove The Briar from the cooling corpse of Irovetti. Will I ever see you again? Scythe Tree (45 days and 50 Build Points)The curse changed the very essence of its sacrifice, turning a benign dryad into something terrifying, locking a good, bright being in the body of a monster. After the Rushlight Tournament, you must camp twice to get the final scene, During the Camp scene where Valerie gives you a shirt, choose "Why are you so embarassed", then "Now explain what's going on", then "Now I'm sorry I didn't get you anything". All that matters is you're alive. ", (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "I'll be taking that monster's head and yours as well! ", "Are you and Octavia faithful to each other? Since I just read how to do it, yet still couldnt work out how to execute the task with this wonky interface. Journal " Interesting things are happening. ", "Why are you here? You'll get a scene where Valerie is trying to fix her buckle. ", [Attack] "You've picked the wrong tone to speak with the {baron/baroness/king/queen}. The High Priest (Religion) and the Magister (Arcane) are responsible for studying the curses. ", "I'm sick and tired of your empty talk. If you just want to romance one twin, choose CG for Kalikke or LE for Kanerah during the Forefather quest (though this will give a bad end for the other twin). I loath to touch it, let alone give it to you. Only their companion quests matter. Upon reaching Sorrowflow, talk to Kalikke. Fight and die. This should complete the romance. ", "All right. You can enter first stage with any action that increases Regongar's romance value. At the Troll fort, DON'T choose the chaotic options to antagonize Jazon into attacking you, You must have gotten the quest for Bart's whip. ", [Attack] "I'll eliminate you before you bring even more pests! In order to be able to ask the right question to Tartuk, you must first kill Hargulka. Shut up and get away from each other! ", "I don't know enough yet, but I want to. ), Do the Lake Silverstep quest with Ivar the Werewolf. Let's go have some wine instead! In principle, for good characters, for those romancing Tristian and for those for whom both are true, this level of affection is enough for Nyrissa to agree to accept the Briar from you. You can also show The Briar to the Storyteller and find out a piece of his story. But at this point in the game, this is no longer a very high difficulty; you can achieve the necessary skill value before the fight. "What kind of relationship do you have with Octavia? ", [Put the gift in the bag] "There, I put your gift away. The Dnipropetrovsk Oblast is located in southeastern Ukraine. ", (Neutral) [Intimidate 18] "Leave the Stag Lord and get out. If you do more of these, you could compile them into a sort of Cosmopolitan Golarion edition. ", (Chaotic Neutral) "Great idea! The dialogue options have several conditions, the safe route is: "I'm glad my adventure begins with such a beautiful sight", "Tell me about yourself. ", Advance Romance to Stage 2 and set CounterValue to 31, "For me, you're always beautiful. They are Narlmarches, Lake Silverstep, Varnhold to Talon Peak, Oleg's Trading Post, and Linnorm Grave. 2.2. If the Eye of Abaddon falls into the hands of Nyrissa, then she will be able to find out that Irovetti has The Briar and can retrieve it without your participation. The image Nyrissa projects is that of the Keeper of Flowers: a image of who she was before she was cursed. When talking to Kaessi in your capital, your first choice doesn't matter, then choose "Let's go". ", [Give Briar to Nyrissa] "I want to return what's been taken from you. A good relationship with her that lasts throughout the game. But we meet again, I won't grant you mercy a second time. ", (Chaotic Good) "You can't defeat evil by preaching alone! ", After the Rushlight Tournament, you'll should rest two times inside a map, When Octavia starts a rest talk where she asks how can you stand her, choose "Don't be so hard", then any "Hold Octavia", When Octavia starts a rest talk where she apologizes, say "You really hurt me", then "You have all the reason", then "Hold Octavia". ", Advance Octavia and Regongar Romance to Stage 2 and set their RomanceScore to 30. ", "No. Jenna Tannersen (45 days and 125 Build Points)This case finally confirms that there is a powerful power hidden in the words: even a person who is completely incapable of magic can curse and not even realizing what she is doing. Let's not complicate things. We're partners. 4. Kill him, quickly and humanely. It's just an insolent bird! ", "And I suppose CASTRUCCIO Irovetti's least favorite joke is the one about his name? ", (Neutral Good) [Heal the barbarian] "No charge. For the neutral best end, you will get two options: "I can't imagine my life without you two" won't marry them and will basically make them your mistresses. And sometimes with some bonus key flags like marriage ones. You can monitor/control the progress towards the true ending by tracking variables in the player.json file. 7 days ago. Our research suggests that willingness may be the key to this mystery. Is that any way to treat someone you love?". ", then say "I don't want to pressure you, but please know that everything I said is true", (Optional) Feel free to have the new lovey dovery sex option with Kanerah if you feel like it, For all intents and purposes, the Tiefling Twins romance is done for the rest of the game until the ending. The Kanerah dialogue at Sorrowflow does actually matter, if you choose to sacrifice the elementals her romance meter will rise ever so slightly. Only their companion quests matter. When Valerie got the scar, I'd say "Frederico did it! All one can wish now is to have a family to go with it", "Sleeping in a tent isn't that bad. Choose "You're fine aren't you?" In the Verdant Chamber itself. Dont know if it matters, but it always elicits a positive response from them so it wont hurt. The second thing about Octavia is she and Regongar are already in a relationship by the start of the game. Choose "I want to talk to you about what it means to be a tiefling." then "Did you understand", then "I'm surprised you and Kalikke", then "What can we do", After talking to Kanerah, choose to talk to Kalikke. If you've completed all the Sweet Teeth quests, they should already have a Bull Mastodon. You should get another Tavern scene with Valerie. Some time after visiting her dream, Nyrissa will pay you a return visit to your throne room. ", [Intimidate 22] "Get out, before I bury you all here! and pick all the options. ", (Lawful Evil) [Attack] "I cannot let you live and risk the lives of everyone else. Try to calm him down. (Note, this guide was made with a Chaotic Good character in mind, with Octavia in the party constantly.). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, You might remember my Valerie Romance Guide I posted a while ago, At Rushlight Tournament, when Valerie is looking at the swords near the weapon merchant, choose "See something interesting", then "Buy a sword for Valerie". Eventually, you'll get a scene where Kalikke teleports in. During Goblin Village in Season of Bloom, I choose to let the villagers get killed. ", "Reg, these are our allies. Please, help me. It's over. This is your last chance to get approval for her if you messed up somewhere in this guide. Canon Immigrant: The twins are recreated in Pathfinder Second Edition's Kingmaker Adventure Path Companion Guide. Say "Of course. ", "I won't let anyone harm those who are dear to me. ", [Diplomacy 18] "Maegar, we should get rid of the centaurs and the cultists too. Choose "What will you do with it? You are amazing, and these simpletons are too stupid to even notice! We'll find a way to deal with that devil.". Choose "Looks like Amiri", then "So what was that?" In order to understand how to break Nyrissas curse, you will need to understand the curses yourself. Take the portal to Sorrowflow, When you get to Sorrowflow, you should get the Neutral ending (AKA best ending) where both twins are in balance. We know that she was cursed, and the curse demanded of her to "turn Kingdoms to dust." ", [Diplomacy 28] "Cultists, liars, rebels You can't believe anyone in this rotten village. After this stage, the variable 816b7cc721f372041a3475144a6176d4 in the file player.json should be set to 40. I value our friendship. Choose "Do you think we did the right thing" and the NG "If you need a", Talk to Octavia. The next time we will meet with Nyrissa is during The Vanishing of Varnhold. See to it she's removed from the barony at once. Practically now you are complete, the final stroke which will set your romance to 100 will happen at the portal to Varnhold dialogue where Maegar leaves the party. ", (Neutral Good) "All right, Octavia. Romance guide - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Contents 1 Valerie 2 Kalikke & Kanerah 3 Octavia 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Troll Trouble 3.3 Season of Bloom 3.4 Varnhold Vanishing 3.5 The Twice-Born Warlord. ", "Fine. How about I let you build your kingdom inside my barony, as my vassal. ", "Octavia, you're acting like a spoiled child. Choose the option " Tell me, what made you stay here after we found your relic", then choose "I won't let anyone hurt you", Talk to Kalikke. I can't forbid you to continue your experiments. ", (Lawful Neutral) [Attack] "No mercy for monsters! Id hardly call it stupid. (. ", (Neutral Evil) [Attack] "You'll die now, troll. ", [Diplomacy 18] "Since I first met you, I've wondered why a man like you would serve the Stag Lord. ", (Lawful Neutral) [Heal the barbarian] "Pay up. ", "All right, Reg, suck it up. Nothing could ever change that. Dialogs with Kalikke (31 P) Dialogs with Kanerah (50 P) Dialogs with Kassil Aldori . Choose all of the question topics, and agree to help her. I was a Neutral Good character and Valerie was basically a permanent member of my party, so I heard all of her comments and dislikes. Although there is always a cheat option to edit save game files or use bag of tricks addon. ", "Alone? Tried to work on twins several times, failed miserably. Better grow eyes in the back of your head! ", "Even a brief moment may bring happiness. Another stunt like this, and I'll start thinking about whether or not that's true. Pathfinder Kingmaker Octavia Romance Brandon Hernandez 410 subscribers Subscribe 74 Share 14K views 1 year ago!/tid=. ", "It's dangerous! First, BREAK UP WITH ANY EXISTING ROMANCE YOU ALREADY HAVE BEFORE HOUSE AT THE EDGE OF TIME. ", (Chaotic Good) "Yes, of course, you're right. The ended romance will be [-1;-1]. When Kanerah talks to you, say "Tell me the truth, Kanerah", then choose "I just want you to know-I really like you", After Kanerah runs away, talk to Kalikke and say "I wanted to alk about a personal matter regarding your sister" then choose "Forgive me if my words offend you, but I like you and your sister", then "So what do you propose I do." However you do need to witness certain camp/Tuskdale dialogues, but then again, you are not forced to pick specific dialogue lines, as long as you don't end romance and can earn enough RomanceScore from other sources. We all know Pathfinder: Kingmaker has romances. I used romance counter after a lot of replies during the first quest , I think 21 is the maximum you can reach with kalike before the second quest ( a guy mentions it in this post as well ) The only dialogues up to the point I am that increase her counter is the hug joke and the " would not mind if . And we will have the opportunity to find The Real Briar in the House at the Edge of Time and still give it to Nyrissa, subject to all other conditions. Alone, against the entire Technic League? Talk to Kalikke afterwards. ", "What a silly idea! You'll get a camp conversation with her. ", (Chaotic Neutral) "Leave these lands immediately. However, you still need to be careful in order to get the best ending for the twins. ", (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "I spared Hargulka because I was feeling merciful. It would be better for all three of us. Octavia and I are very close." ", "Put away your weapons, or I'll personally hand you over to Jamandi to hang! Valerie, will you marry me?". ", Talk to Kalikke afterwards and ask "Do you like it in the Stolen Lands", then say "That road led you to me. I would have never found the Technic League's encampment, if your beauty hadn't beaconed me! Although there is always a cheat option to edit save game files or use Bag of Tricks mod. So if you choose to romance only one, there will be a bad ending for the other? It's just what he wants. Portals. Our troubles may be more closely related than you realize. Apologize to Valerie. ", "In this condition you're not just useless, you're dangerous. Great guide, I did the romance twice myself and can chime in with few details: Conversation with Kaessi (Kanerah) at the Baron coronation (?) I appreciate your help and I appreciate you yourself, Valerie. Romance; More. ", "For the moment, yes. ", (Neutral Evil) "Quiet, Octavia. This update fixes the issue and the affected saves. The first time we can increase affection is in the scene after the Lantern King condemns and curses Nyrissa. ", "I can wear the horns and demoness costume again. 12. If so, believe me, it's not fair you are very hard to resist! ", "Why would I? ", (Neutral Evil) "You heard him, Dalton. Choose "You know I'm a baron", then "You almost fell on me? The basics are she likes it when you are as Chaotic and Good as possible, it's pretty much required to bring her in your party for most of the game. Good job. After beating the Aldori mansion, when talking to Kaessi, choose "To Beauty", then "First I will listen", then "What could be better". They are both enemies to Varnhold. We may be able to learn more if we encounter other instances of the use of curses, but even this study has somewhat deepened our knowledge of arcane magic. You will have to plan this process because it will take up almost the entire game. If romance havn't been started, it will be [0;0]. You're all guilty, and you will all die! Your choice. OTHERWISE, YOU'LL LOSE THE SWEET TEETH QUESTS, To complete the Sweet Teeth quests, you'll have to send them to different locations. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Octavia romance guide Contents 1 Introduction 2 Troll Trouble 3 Season of Bloom 4 Varnhold Vanishing 5 The Twice-Born Warlord 6 War of the River Kings Introduction Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. But knowledge of curses alone is not enough to convince Nyrissa to break the curse. ", "I'm only jealous of you because I love you. Most importantly and forever. ", "Do you know why Choral the Conqueror razed half of Rostland? ", "How can I stand and watch silently while you're being attacked?! The twins are way easier to romance than the other options in the game. They will surely hold a grudge against me. I like you. What's going on? The oblast borders the Poltava and Kharkiv Oblasts on the north, the Donetsk Oblast on the east, the Zaporizhzhia and . Choose "How did you end up in Jamandi's mansion" then choose "You had me racking my brains", Talk to Kalikke. ", "I hold no grudge against you, despite everything you've done to me and my people. You have our whole team, plus all the resources of my {barony/kingdom}. (Optional) Talk to Oct and Reg and choose the "What's your relationship with" to see new dialogue referencing that they've broken up. Thank you! (Optional) During Nok Nok's statue quest, don't have her in your party if you choose the CN option to let statues remain. Faceless Sisters (45 days and 275 Build Points)Now we know for sure: the suffering of the Faceless Sisters is the result of a curse that affected their faces and their soul at once, destroying and disfiguring both. I'm the one negotiating here, not you, got it? ", "Another trick like this, and you'll be spending a month With no dessert. How they work is through companion approval where if a companion says something about a choice, what you do changes their approval based on whether they like/hate that choice. Hmm, now that's something", Talk to Kanerah. You'll encounter Kanerah in the market. ", "I just have to ask How do you manage to look so gorgeous, even when we're out in the middle of nowhere? Go to Bart's house and get the quest to get his whip (This quest is only available if you delay finishing Troll Trouble.) ", "How about you stay away from that junk, all right? The girl herself, Nita, wanted to curse her father with the help of a well. Dialogue (Tristian Romance - What's Going On), Dialogue (Tristian Romance - Heart or Reason), Dialogue (Tristian Romance - Another Chance), Dialogue (Guardian of the Bloom - First Dream), Dialogue (Guardian of the Bloom - Abandoned Hut), Dialogue (Guardian of the Bloom - Fog Clears), Other World (Guardian of the Bloom Visit), Dialogue (Goblin Fort - Prisoners at River), Special Encounter (Barbarian Hunting Party), Dialogue (Defaced Sister - Sepulcher of Forgotten Heroes), Dialogue (Reveal My Destiny - Nortellara), Dialogue (Jubilost - A Ford Across the Skunk River), Dialogue (The Nature of the Beast - Dimwit), Dialogue (Stefano Moskoni - Troll Attack), Dialogue (Goblin Fort - Escaped Prisoners), Dialogue (Embeth Travelers - Hunting Grounds), Dialogue (Guardian of the Bloom - The Varnhold Vanishing), Dialogue (Strange Happenings In The Capital), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, [Attack] "No one dares to trespass inside my head. ", Do the Sweet Teeth Quests. ", "Maybe there are some other signs that are not so easy to find? That should be the last of the camp talks for the Troll Trouble chapter, Bring Valerie with you when you talk to Maegar Varn for the first time. It all starts with a conversation with Nyrissa in her Sanctuary in the House at the Edge of Time. All these corpses died from disease. ", "Regongar, stop this immediately! ", "I've done all I could for you, and can give you no more. I have more important things to do. (This guide assumes you have the Tiefling DLC from the start of the game.). The best part in fact: her Love. ", [Attack] "I'm not here to talk. 3. Its longitude from north to south is 130 km, from east to west - 300 km. ", "Octavia, you should be ashamed! -Compared to the other romances, they are pretty much the easiest. His romance is split in 5 stages: [1;59], [60;60], [65;65], [70;100], [100;100], To advance to second stage you need to enter. But keep watch for me! Kalikke may be able to one-shot them with an empowered kinetic blast if she gets lucky. Leave her alone! Romance; More. Only then will you have a chance. ", "You know, I'm not one to be easily manipulated. In a rest conversation where Octavia says she wants to leave to fight Numeria, say "Maybe you could", then "You don't have to do it alone", then "You know you can always rely on me". Throne room your help and I suppose CASTRUCCIO Irovetti 's least favorite joke the. From me all this time? on one condition: you play the prisoner again brief moment may bring.. Donetsk oblast on the east, the Zaporizhzhia and able to ask the right question Tartuk... Them so it wont hurt desire to help look smart, Jubilost -compared to the other,...? `` at Sorrowflow does actually matter, then `` you almost fell on?! About whether or not that 's something '', then `` so what was that? there I. The protagonist is a Good attitude towards her and showing a desire to.! 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Kassil Aldori it wont hurt must do to ensure you complete the Tiefling twins.. `` Yes, of course, you need a '', talk to you about it! You need a '', then `` so what was that? Valerie at the EDGE of time grow... And Kanerah will tell you about romance, the Neutral BEST END MEANS. Responsible for studying the curses let you live and risk the lives of everyone else and simpletons. To the other options in the game. ) Put the gift in file...

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