To God be all the glory! Thank you for always being trustworthy and holding Your Childrens hearts close to your own. Sanctify this space from evil and cast your protecting light upon us. Ki gbogbo eniyan kaakiri agbaye gbarajo, kiwon maa gbe'mi n'ija, kiegbe mi leke ota. God is Great! Richard Kent. I will not judge my nation by the sight Our confidence is in the Lord, the Almighty. amen to each and every prayer. I come to you in Praise and thanksgiving, for all that you have done and all that you will do!!! I believe God is in control. By connecting with Babalu Aye's energy, you can tap into his healing power and discipline, helping you to maintain good health and well-being. <p>Bless all good and faithful devotees with long life , sound health and victory We are able to gain and manifest power of the soul through the 'poisons' of adversity, trials, opposition, temptation and challenge. This is a spiritualist practice that has been handed down by generations of priests and priestesses who have dedicated themselves to serving mankind through their prayers and divine powers. Thank you for ringing in 2022, a New Year once again. I declare and decree Jesus Christ is Lord and is all authority! Rasie me above all misfortune in my lifetime. Israel had gone into captivity, being judged for their sins. Praying for righteous leadership and that GOD would root out wickedness on every level of society til He find none. Dear Heavenly Father, The Lord is supreme. There is power in prayer. Thank you Father that you hear everything every prayer of your saints that not one word earnestly prayed to you Father goes unnoticed. Do not remember the past events, pay no attention to things of old. We agree that no one can stand against the power of our God and Savior. I have been doing it for about two months now and I can attest that it has worked very well for me so far. Yes and AMEN to all of the prayer and may multiple voices cry out until the prayer bowl overflows in heaven. We join the great cloud of witnesses and your angel armies and push back the evil principalities and powers that are holding this nation in bondage. God will clear the skies and we will see clearly. Its easy to feel downcast with what is going on but keeping your eyes on Jesus revives the soul and give hope for the future as His word speaks. Thank you for this amazing prayer for America 2022. This may seem like an obvious point, but it is worth repeating. Please do what only You can do. Despite these things, Jesus Christ is Faithful and True. Amen! Debbie, Father God, lead me into the paths of righteousness for your namesake this day. ". May the works of God be displayed in me. Help us, teach us Holy Spirit, to learn of You, to take your yoke upon us and walk with You in these days ahead. Amen! Ifa is truly astounding in how it communicates its sacred meaning, power and benefit. (The real World Health answers), I pray daily that our Representatives and Senators be convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit and also Senators, Governors, and Mayors listen to the citizens and be supporters of police officers who are needed to protect us from evil. Amen! May this move be known by no one name, denomination, or people group. The longtime artist, activist and author is best known for her role as co-founder of Black Lives Matter. Yes, I prayed this prayer, will copy it and continue to say it. Amen. We are cast adrift into a storm of darkness when we do not obey you. Help them to see the truth and let them praise you. Our agreement together as one body of believers will destroy the work of the enemy on those who are doing evil in our country. What a beautiful prayer and yes so true that we need our Lord to heal our nation. He says if my people will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear snd heal their land. May the name of Jesus be lifted up above this nation in 2022. The Yoruba people have a rich history of spirituality, and because of this they are able to help heal themselves through the power of prayer. this was a very encouraging and faith building prayer. 6. 3 Pray this prayer to the Archangels for protection and healing. Recently, the Lord gave me Jeremiah 29:7 seek the Lord for the welfare of the city where I have sent youand pray to the Lord on its behalf for in its welfare, you will have welfare. Since that time I have not forgotten to pray for the churches and salvation in my area. Prayer to the Alpha and Omega. He has plans for His body. Help us to be the Ekklesia you have created us to be as we go forth and occupy the land you have given Your Son. If so, youre not alone. My friend, despite the darkness looming on every side, my prayer for you is that you would be encouraged today by WHO GOD IS. Some are strings with comforting Biblical reminders of the Greatness of our God, and some are a glorious and harmonious choir proclaiming the wonders of our God and His Son who forever sits at His Right Hand making intercession for us. Fill our mouths will songs of your praise and your deliverance. These include: Ifa prayer for healing, Orunmila prayers for healing, Obatala prayers for healing, Babalawo prayers for healing and more. Do you not see it? 33 Days To Morning Glory Consecration Prayer, Is Hillsong United Part Of Hillsong Church, Why Did The Catholic Church Introduce Tropes, What Does The Bible Say About Non Denominational Churches, How Politics Poisoned The Evangelical Church, Why Church And State Should Not Be Separated. I have weak and strong moments but know God will guide and protect. I am a Canadian but have been praying,. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God who sits on the throne! 2 Peter 1:3 We are forgiven,protected, provided for, and He gives us wisdom. Father God, in Jesus name, we lift our beloved nation up to You today. Amen. Praying in the Name above all names Jesus Christ Amen. So Lord, we bow our heads right now and ask you to touch us, from the crown of our heads to the souls of our feet lord. I prayed this prayer today. Father thank you for your sovingernity and that you will be with us. I believe and boldly proclaim 2022 as the Year of the Lord. Thank God for prayer warriors I connected to power wires and pray for United States of America a dish nation will be all they got a call for it to be in Yeshua name thank you father we will fulfill our purpose and Disney in you I pray the blood of Jesus over United States of America in Jesus name love God all my heart soul mind and strength love my neighbors in my self in Jesus name pray for our saints. We see many dark things around us, but we see You breaking through on every side as well. I humbly ask for Mercy upon this land. Amen, I pray for our leaders that we will live Godly and peaceful lives and they will turn from their sins so God will heal our land in Jesus name I pray. I heard the Word of the Lord, Twenty Twenty Two, The Year of Truth So Be It, Thanks Be To God Who Always Leads Us In Triumph. Amen and amen. Lord, we wait for You. There is no one like You. Wake up your church the Ecclesia. His strength is nothing compared with the Lord of Hosts, Adonai Elohim! God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. It may seem a hard thing to do, laying all down before Him, but I am finding it is the best and most prosperous, full way to live. I submit to You, God, and to no other god. Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Amen, PRAISE be to God, Creator of Heaven and Earth and Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord! There is not a charge for prayer. 2 . Dont give up. Amen! Thank you!! Love in Jesus to all my praying brothers and sisters. Hallelujah! I pray for this nation almost everyday. 2022 God will continue to bless our nation and the Church is bold in the Spirit of the Lord. Isaiah 43:18-19 HCSB Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow! "In the prayer I will cover many areas of un-love and negativity, including marriage relationships, hurt children, sexual sins, mental and physical illness, depression, fear, compulsiveness and. However, God is still not a man, that He should lie. I know that you hate what their illness is doing to them/me. I pray with you and for you and Ill share this with others. Ifa prayer involves reading palm leaves (known as odu) to determine what will happen in the future, who has been cursed with bad luck, or how best to avoid illness or misfortune. REPENTANCEis what is needed. Turn Your people back to You, and do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all we could ever dare to ask, hope, or think. Every breath I take, every morning I wake, and every moment of every hour, I live under your power. Praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh and anointings that will break the all the yokes/strongmen of the enemy, to the LORD of the harvest for laborers for the harvest in abundance! I know that God is even now moving mightily upon our land! The Supporter is the Father of all Odu. The nation He ordained so many years ago . Trying to pray for both nations. Amen. We are in his hands. I have prayed. In Jesuss Name I pray, Amen. That lie is why we have been lying down, but not not anymore. I pray further that the hearts of all people will be open to the recognition that abortion is an abomination and a grievous offense to our Father God. With God all things are possible, nothing is impossible with Him, even a great tidal wave of revival in America and a return to freedom in our land. We stand together in agreement. Please give us eyes to see you and ears to hear you and to you we give our hearts in worship and in truth! Have mercy on us and revive our nation by your Holy Spirit. Romans 8:28. Father God, you are Faithful and Just. Please help us in Jesus name. Yes, Father, I set myself in agreement with this prayer. I am in total agreement with thisprayerand praying that all of us in the Body of Christ-, me included, will Shine Gods lIght out where we live and work each day so others will want to know Jesus Christ as we know HIm as Our Lord & Savior ! Protect the unborn children from abortion. COVID-19 created a crisis that forced people to deal with the social, emotional, personal, and interpersonal impact of the virus in the United States. I believe IFA is a wonderful ministryand I am believing that it will hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches in our day. I pray that as you continually seek wisdom and guidance from the Lord, He will grant you perfect health in Jesus name. I raise a hedge of protection and blessing over her, and plead the precious blood of Jesus over her. Thank you for your encouragement. I did pray and i believe God has a plan to restore the USA to a Christen nation again. IFA is connecting intercessors at the state level. My times are in your hands." Your friend might need to hear that they can put their trust in God throughout their illness. The 1st thought in my mind & heart when I awakened this morning was asking for Revival & protection in & for our nation. May we all be blessed in this New Year. Thank you for guiding us & showing us your way. The Word says if you agree with anything on earth, its done of My Father in Heaven. We pray for unity in the body of Jesus Christ, and the lukewarm spirit be destroyed go to the abyss and we have fire in our hearts towards our Lord and Savior more of him and less lesser of the flesh in Us . The bad news is only 2% of young parents today actually have a Biblical worldview, so what are they passing along to their kids? In the powerful strong name of Jesus Christ, AMEN. I yearn for the end of evil Lord. I have prayed this prayer in agreement for our nation with Christians around the world. Ifa is a Yoruba traditional religion which involves the use of Ifa divination system. How do we bring America back to freedom and integrity? Does Elevation Church Believe in Speaking in Tongues? Dear Heavenly Father. Ill be printing this prayer so I can have it in my Bible to read and pray everyday in 2022. AMEN. If you are having any kind of problem or illness then there is always a prayer to Orunmila that can be used. Saint Michael is our protector; I ask him . This prayer is so encouraging and timely. Please join me in committing to praying for our nation. Two of us just prayed with you. Amen. Amen. Help us to know you better during these dark days in our nation as well as globally. If you are looking for more prayers then we highly recommend that you buy this book. I am praying for revival in the USA Amein , Father God I put my trust in you. It is a comfort and blessing to know thousands if not hundreds of thousands will be repeating it today and as we move through 2022. God continue to bless you as you lift up the name of Jesus in all that you do, lift His banner high, proclaim His mighty deeds to all who have ears to hear, Amen . We look forward to a movement of revival across our land, so strong that even the highest in authority and strongest wills against You bow down. Thank you for leading us in that powerful prayer. Ifa prayer for healing can help you get healthier faster. Father, we need you now more than ever! ALSO PRAY: Padre Pio Healing Prayer. A Short Prayer for Healing Lord of Heaven, I rest underneath your mighty wings of love. Here are 5 simple yet powerful prayers about healing that you can pray right now in order to speak light into the darkness. His promise are yea and amen. Let them see you Yeshua thru us and let them fall in love with you as we have. I give you all that I am, and rest in your peace. Seeds planted are maturing and ready for harvest in 2022. First, pray for God's will to be done. Please help us to spread your Salvation in our daily lives, and let us rest in the everlasting assuredness of Your Love and Protection!!! I thank you that you hear our prayers, and that You are sufficient for every problem in our society. Let us be guided by Your Holy Spirit and not be hesitant to obey. Thank you, Jamie, for such a pensive and gifted prayer! Many people think that learning Orisa is the most important thing. Beautiful Prayer. Over the past year I have also struggled with discouragement and hope dashed on the rocks of despair, both personally and as a citizen of this great nation, America. 1 . I prayed this prayer! There is hope in Christ beyond measure, and I sense in my spirit that the LORD of Glory is already moving in our behalf because the cups of iniquity worldwide are full to overflowing and He is about to move dramatically in our behalf! God, we declare praise to YOU!!! I dwell within your gentle heart. Heavenly Father, Faith is a gift from you. Pray for your fellow Beloved intercessor, what are the defining patterns of your life? The oil was used to anoint kings (1 Samuel 16:1) It is an offering to God (Exodus 25:1-8) Commissioning someone into their calling (Leviticus 8:30, Isaiah 61:1-3) It is a symbol of imparting a blessing. Its important that we declare His word and promises so they can manifest. Take not Your Holy Spirit from us, & restore the Joy of our Salvation through the shed blood of Jesus-for Your Glory, Your Perfect will. Only we can humble ourselves in surrender to His will instead of our own selfish ways. Look at Daniel in chapter nine and ten. Hes still on the throne; He is still just and righteous; and His Word is still true. We need You as our focus, wisdom and Guide. Apart from You we can do nothing! Protect and bring justice to our elections. We Love You Father. Shed Thy Light across our land, O Lord! Receive free encouragement and equipping through her podcast, Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh, which you can download anytime on iTunes or Spotify. He is God and besides Him there is no other. Amen. Many ideas were considered; in their wisdom they determined that God and His Holy Word had the answers to every question about how to build a strong, fair and lasting foundation for the new nation of America. Help them realize their value to You. Well there are many things to consider such as your condition or illness. Protect our Constitution and Bill of Rights, Father. To act and live in such a way, so that those who dont know you, will see the joy of the Lord Jesus in our lives and actions, so that they will want the same! 2.8 Prayer for health. To five of the seven Churches the Lord Jesus called for repentance. I loved your article. In the Name of Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the Living God. I pray for GREAT revival throughout the world, not just America, that many will come to repentance & accept Jesus as Lord/Saviour. I heard the following comment and realized it is a truth I can hold onto in Him On earth a crisis is perceived as a threat to our wellbeing. Bring to my attention what needs cleaning up in my life to dwell closer to you. Help us cling to You when we feel despair and we miss those we have lost. Amen. And if a sparrow cannot fall without his notice, it is not possible that a free nation can rise without Gods guidance and power? I pray that You renew my heart with Your healing touch and refresh me in body, soul and spirit. Yes I prayed this prayer, a great way to begin interceding for our beloved nation on the first day of a new year. Do you have a pattern of working hard, or perhaps even of overwork? Yes, we agree, and decree that in 2022 in sincere repentance we will shift from singing God Bless America to declaring, and living a life that says, America Bless God! We will see His glory! Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord!, I Thank You Lord for Watching over us For guiding us , Let us Trust in You always and to not lean on our own understanding of what is happening around us , but to acknowledge that you know what is best for us and that we place everything in your hands, Dear Lord and God, we praise You for Your glory and we ask that You save our country from the tyranny that is trying to take hold of it. In Jesus powerful name. I know things have been terribly difficultespecially for intercessors who have experienced a crisis of faith when things have not gone as many hoped. And thank you for preserving us as children of light and penetrating the darkness with the light of your church being salt and light! Amen. In Heaven it is an opportunity to discover something. As the year has been full of unexpected issues, actions, decisions, and outcomes, when I keep my eyes on Him, I discover new and fresh perspectives and avenues that I didnt see before. Remember, we come into agreement with truth or lies and this is truth. Da fun Ogun awo. Your continuing, steady ministry is a source of inspiration for me, my family and all those around me in ministry. There is no power greater than God and the light, however dim it might be, is in every heart. Our beloved nation on the throne in Heaven author is best known for role... To praying for righteous leadership and that God is even now it is worth.! Can humble ourselves in surrender to His will instead of our God and.. His word is still true involves the use of ifa divination system problem or.. 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