Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Bahamut can comprehend, speak, read all languages, talk directly to all beings within 10 kilometres, and teleport at will. Claw. Since they share the same fundamental connection to the Material Plane as their dragon offspring, , each one a chromatic color of her evil children. Contents 1 Publication history 2 Description 3 Relationships 4 Dogma 5 Worshipers 5.1 Clergy 6 Temples 7 Rituals 8 Myths and legends 8.1 The Two Voids 8.2 Tiamat and Bahamut 8.3 The Sleeping Deep Dragons 8.4 Kurtulmak Can Godzilla go toe to toe with the other heavy hitters of D&D 5e? Bahamut exhales cold in a 120-foot cone. Until the beginning of his next turn, this effect provides him with 77 temporary hit points. If Bahamut fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. This assault will be fantastic for upsetting the partys attack strategy and generating exciting suspense throughout the battle. Bahamut exhales cold in a 480-food cone. Bahamuts aspect displays the full glory of the Platinum Dragon, towering over even ancient dragons. I have actually fleshed out the provided Stat Block in PDF format and I am adding lore, backgrounds and lair actions for this concept, can u/wigu90 drop me a private message to discuss? It starts when he loses all his hit points and stops him from dying by restoring him to 500. His ice breath has become the most straightforward of his breath strikes; it is merely a ferocious burst of the incredibly cold atmosphere. Enemies of Bahamut that start or end their turn in the aura take 28 (8d6) cold or 28 (8d6) radiant damage, Bahamuts choice. Bahamut choses one willing creature he can see within 240 feet of him. He can throw any cleric spell of 5th-6th degree 1/day. When the mechanics have been changed so that this template is no longer applicable please remove this template. (Costs 2 Actions) Bahamut exhales paralyzing gas in a 90- foot cone. Positive energy courses through the creature to undo a debilitating effect. The book confirms that there are five Gem Greatwyrms in the multiverse: Aleithilithos, Hrodel, Smargad, Charisma, and Tithonnas. This monster is the final boss of a 5e campaign I ran from low levels all the way up to 20 that wrapped up last year. Bahamut beats his wings. Bahumat 5e can throw any cleric or sorcerer spell of 2th-4th amounts 3/day each. Bahamut, also known as the Platinum Dragon, or King of the Good Dragons, is one of the nine dragon deities. As a bonus action, Bahamut can transform into his old man form, appearing as a Medium sized humanoid. Lets utilize the Bahamut 5e aspect, which still provides a wide range of possibilities for an epic battle. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Armor Class 30 (natural armor) As Xymor, he was described as a massive monster wrapped in a scintillating feeling of light so brilliant that it was impossible to inform his colour. According to the Draconomicon-Metallic Dragons, he often appears as an old man and searches for players he deems worthy. One effect reducing the targets hit point maximum. Bahamut 5e has a couple of clerics as well as fewer temples. Written By Joshua Rosing. What to Do After a Truck Accident in Orange County. He takes only excellent clerics. Lightning Breath:Each monster in that line has to make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or accept 90(9d20) lightning damage on a failed rescue and a half up to a one. Others insist that Bahamut's eyes are a frosty indigo, like the heart of a glacier. Bahamut exhales chilly in a 120-foot cone. Generally, nothing more complicated than Bahamuts emblem scribed onto a wall. Bahamut automatically adds his Divine Rank to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. A Dexterity saving throw with a DC of 27 must be made by all creatures within a 20-foot radius and 100-foot height cylinder when the lances land. Breath Weapon: Misty Breath. Copyright 2020 - 2022 Webnews21 (GMW). Despite being an immensely powerful draconic god, Bahamut often travels in an unassuming guise such as that of a traveling monk or an elderly wizard. When Bahamut started to gain more attention, Tiamat started to scheme and took notice of Io's love for Vorel. Breath Weapon: Sleep Breath. A character who examines the statue and succeeds on a DC 10 Sword Mountains Compendium - Sources->Sleeping Dragon's Wake ruins of bygone kingdoms, and more than a few half-forgotten dungeons and tombs. Being a minor god, he is also a strong contender to be the patron deity of many clerics and paladins. History A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic items, are reduced to a pile of fine gray dust. Each of the creatures in that area must make a DC 30 Dexterity saving throw or take 100 (10d20) cold damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful one. check out the. Additionally, he regains the use of Legendary Resistance, charges his Breath Weapon action, and obtains access to his Mythic Actions, which may be used in the same way as Legendary Actions. Additionally, when Bahamut hits a Medium or smaller creature with a melee attack, each creature within 5 feet of the initial target must make a DC 34 Dexterity saving throw or suffer the same attack. Each creature in that area must make a DC 27 Charisma saving throw or be incapacitated and turned into a fine mist for 1d4 hours. Using Crypto Payments for Payroll and Employee Benefits Pros and Cons. Each creature in the area must make a DC 36 Dexterity saving throw or take 176 (34d8 + 23) bludgeoning damage plus 45 (10d8) radiant damage., be pushed 80 feet, knocked prone, and stunned until the end of Bahamuts next turn. Only if he uses another bonus action to modify it again or when his hit points drop to zero is he compelled to exit the metamorphosis. Limited Magical Immunity. Thats where he goes after you kill him. Change Shape: The aspect magically transforms into any Humanoid or Beast, while retaining his game statistics (other than his size). Bite. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. His breath can wreak monumental destruction and work miraculous healing, and few things in the mortal world can cause him lasting harm, Gargantuan Dragon (Metallic), Lawful Good. If a creature attempts to go over the frost-bitten area at normal speed, it must make a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. In combat, Bahamuts enemies experience the full force of his justice, while his allies enjoy the full benefit of his mercy. Whether or not you have a use for it, I hope you enjoy reading it, and can find some . Bahamut can cast any cleric, paladin, or sorcerer spells of 1st level 5/day each. Bahamut exhales a beam of blue light that is 5 feet wide and 800 ft long. His symbol is a multi-colored metallic disk. My characters just used wish to summon Bahamut in a fight against Asmodeus! It's probably a fault of 5e's system however, since certain party compositions could never stand a chance. Frost-bitten creatures and areas are frost-bitten for (1d12) rounds, unless a creature takes an action and succeeds on a DC 24 Intelligence (Nature) check to heat themselves, another, or a medium sized area. +20 to hit, reach 20 feet., one target. At webnews21, we bring the trendy news of the globe regarding politics, entertainment, education, food, and health. Before entering the Faernian pantheon, he was an elder draconic deity of good dragons, metallic dragons, wisdom, and enlightened justice (justice tempered with mercy and punishment with forgiveness) known by the name of Xymor. Sing of, Sardior, The target must attempt a Wisdom saving throw with a DC of 27 if the bite successfully impacts them. Hit: 176 (34d8 + 25) bludgeoning damage plus 34 (10d8) radiant damage. Attack: The aspect makes one Claw or Tail attack. Many worlds have myths and legends about. Each creature in the beam must make a DC 36 Dexterity saving throw, taking 472 (45d20) force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. Award a party an additional 155,000 XP (310,000 XP total) for defeating the aspect of Bahamut after his Platinum Brilliance activates. A champion of Bahamut has a distinctive pair of platinum wings and a breath weapon suffused with radiant energy. Known as the Platinum Dragon, Bahamut is the patron and progenitor of metallic dragons. Io spawned twins, Tiamat and Bahamut. Legendary Resistance (5/Day). Unless he wishes to be affected, Bahamut is immune to spells of 6th level or lower. While Bahamut has yet to receive an official stat block for 5e, Fizban's Treasury of Dragons does feature a stat block for the Aspect of Bahamut on page 164. Attack Bahamut makes a Tail, Bite, or Claw attack. Before entering the Faernian pantheon, he had been a part of this Draconic pantheon, a deity of great dragons, metallic paintings, intellect, and enlightened justice (justice tempered with mercy and punishment together with forgiveness) known by the title of Xymor. The Bahamut 5e may take two legendary activities, choosing from the choices below. Bahamut can make two claw, two bite, and one tail attack. Bahamut creates a magical cage as in the spell forcecage, except the bar cage can be 60 feet on a side and the solid cage can be 30 feet on a side. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Not from how the player does rather than from what the DM does. Dragonborn of Bahamut 5e: Monster Guide for D&D 5th Edition. Even a party of 20th-level adventurers are going to face a deadly threat if they go up . Celestial Lances (Costs 3 Actions): The aspect conjures four enormous lances of magical force that plummet to the ground at four different points he can see within 150 feet of him and then disappear. A frost-bitten creature takes 35 (10d6) cold damage at the start of its turn, cannot use reactions, and its speed is halved. Breath Weapon: Slowing Breath. If the target is a Gargantuan or larger object or Creation of force, this spell disintegrates a 15-foot-cube portion of it. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. This transformation is often wrought by, fly up to half its flying speed.Some of the oldest and wisest metallic dragons undergo a miraculous metamorphosis to become greatwyrms. The aspect can have only one creature grappled this way at a time. The Aspect of Bahamut may use the descriptions of their Claw or Tail attack from this legendary action to perform a free attack. Other dragons, many chromatic ones (except possibly his archrival Tiamat), admire Bahamut because of his wisdom and strength. Disintegration Breath:Bahamut 5e exhales a ray of light thats five feet wide and maybe up to 400 ft. Each monster in that region must make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw, taking 87(12d12 + 15) induce damage on a failed rescue and a half up to a one. They also are emissaries of Bahamut in tasks that don't demand Bahamut's personal attention. Move. Each creature in that area must make a DC 26 Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 (12d10) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The Scaled Tyrants hatred for, Elegy for the First World Breathe, dragons; sing of the First World, If you do not understand balance please leave comments on this page's talk page before making any edits. The Aspect of Bahamut has a total of 1050 average hit points (not counting temporary HP which he can actually generate for himself) split into two phases due to a mythic trait. The Bahamut regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn. As a bonus action, Bahamut can change into his older man form. You have arrived in Greenest, knowing its next on the cults list of targets. His spellcasting ability is Charisma. In addition, he can see invisible and ethereal creatures. The platinum monster can change into an old guy. There he is (all comments are very welcome): Saving Throws: Strength +19, Dexterity +13, Wisdom +17, Charisma +19, Skills: Arcana +17, Perception +26, Religion +17, Damage resistances: necrotic, poison, radiant, Damage Immunities: acid, cold, fire, lightning, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons, Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, poisoned, stunned, weakened, paralyzed, slowed, asleep, Senses: darkvision 240 ft., truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 36. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). The Aspect of Bahamut | D&D Blind Stat Block D&D Daily 6.86K subscribers Subscribe 31 803 views 1 year ago #dnd #dragon #dms A Blind stat block reading and analysis of Fizban's Treasury of. He can also cast any cleric spell of 5th or 6th level 1/day. Even the somewhat underwhelming stats provided for Tiamat in published 5e works have a CR of 30. Old Man. Unless the target succeeds on a DC 27 Strength saving throw, it strikes with 2d12 + 10 bludgeoning damage and knocks the victim to the ground. Aspect of Bahamut. Theres good lore about the Deitys to determine how theyd respond to many conditions. When Bahamut drops to 0 hit points or dies, his body is destroyed but his essence travels back to his domain in Celestia, and he is unable to take physical form for a while. A champion of, 155,000 XP (310,000 XP total) for defeating the aspect of. Claw. What is spell save DC 5e and how do you calculate? sapphire dragon 22 Elder brain dragon 23 Ancient amethyst dragon 24 Ancient dragon turtle 26 Gem greatwyrm 27 Chromatic greatwyrm 28 Metallic greatwyrm 30 Aspect of. Bahamut regains 50 hit points at the start of his turn. If this attack reduces a target to 0 hit points it is disintegrated. If you do not understand balance please leave comments on this page's,,_God_Form_(5e_Creature)&oldid=1688158. It's said that their role is to find a way to revive Sardior, the former god of the gem dragons, whose consciousness is believed to be spread across the multiverse. Disintegration Breath. Multiattack:Bahamut 5e may make two claw foot, one bite, and a tail strike, or else he could use a breath weapon along with a tail strike. Bahamut 5e never turns his back to an excellent legal monster in peril but rarely intervenes straight if Tiamat isnt involved. In his normal shape, Bahamut was a huge dragon roughly 180 feet (55 meters) long, with a tail the same length as his entire body. Each creature in that area of the aspects choice regains 71 (13d10) hit points, and each creature in that area of the aspects choice that has been dead for no longer than 1 hour is restored to life with all its hit points. Skillsarcana: +13, athletics +15, perception +13, investigation +13, intimidation +15, insight +13, religion +14. 10 You have a secret. Every one of those monsters in that area must make a DC 30 Dexterity saving throw or accept 80(8d20) fire damage on a failed rescue and a half up to a one. Hes got a gorgeous platinum colour that shines in the sunlight. Three legendary acts are available to the Aspect of Bahamut every battle round, but only one may be employed at once. Each creature in that line must make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or take 90 (9d20) lighting damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful one. Known as the Platinum Dragon, Bahamut is the patron and progenitor of metallic dragons. Instead, he provides healing, information, or information. Bahamut's Blessing (Cost 2 Actions). +15 to hit, reach 15 feet., one target. Press J to jump to the feed. Design Note: This creature was designed using Mythic Monsters (5e Variant Rule) as a guide. Where Tiamat was greed and tyranny incarnate, her brother Bahamut was a symbol of wisdom, justice, and all things good. Bahamuts space is 90 feet by 90 feet, and he has advantage on saving throws against being pushed or knocked prone. Bahamut 5e in dnd will extend his perceptions to around five places simultaneously and obstruct the sensing capacity of deities with electricity equivalent to or less than his. Bahamut casts a spell. +15 to strike, hit 15 feet., one target. (Cost 5 Actions). (Costs 2 Actions) Bahamut exhales gas in a 90-foot cone. The aspect regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn. Hit Points 512 (25d20 + 250) He has more HP than Tiamat, more AC. ruby-red jewel they made in their likeness; Bahamut can then fly up to half his flying speed. Hit: 24 (4d6 + 10) slashing damage. Additionally, you can remove the feature to make it a little bit more straightforward for your group to defeat him if you wish to make him less powerful. A champion of Bahamut has a distinctive pair of platinum wings and a breath weapon suffused with radiant energy. 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