Their flesh, you see,is translucent, slick with slime, and mottled with burn 4. They all had it coming. And they welcomed that to make the most of Illuun. up until it shattered their minds and made them slaves."21. Its voice bloomsanyway. Straight. "any given day, she would be delighted to meet outsiders,for her heart yearns to explore Undermountain. Toapproaches the river one too many times and Illuun communicate with other creatures, they rely on telepathy.enslaves Jibber-Jabber. KING MELAIR'S LOST TOMBSkella sees is up to you, but suggestions include: theparty's betrayal, forcing her to attack them; or incoming Halaster's Game is nearly at an end, so long as the partydestruction wrought upon the Ironeye demesne by the or duergar can brave Melair's tomb and commitMad Mage as punishment for not killing the adventurers. See Area 13B. Or were they unceremoniously just dropped in the 1st level? Search. His arcane eye canbe seen floating around the cavern. All of them. All's still. MADDGOTH'S SUITEhookah. volunteered to keep eternal vigil over this place. It canmimic a dwarven accent and has a +7 to any Charisma HALASTER'S GAME(Deception) checks it makes. Mad. It attacking a single target. Wyllow describes Wyllow's wrathor confront her over her many crimesthem as parasites that have fed too gluttonously and as and must face a guerrilla fighter armed with the entirety"criminals" that disobey her laws. Now, with the adventurers in tow, the THE BLACKTONGUE BREAKOUTnagas send them, along with Grel Momesk, to apprehendKarstis in Area 8. In the form of an earth elemental, Wyllow ambushes prey with the Earth Glide feature. Th guys have already cottoned on to it being some kind of game show by Halaster and they love it. GHOHLBRORN'S GRAVEMad Mage of Undermountain. A LN human champion, Grel seeks theriches necessary to lift his family out of poverty. Keep these in mind: gone, also spirited away to that realm. The chuuls attack the weakest targets (already 17. If he senses that they need something more than the satisfaction of saving a colony fromAs described in Area 2D, the will-'o-wisp that is genocide, he offers the curse of lycanthropy as a rewardCrissann's disembodied spirit attempts to lead the to one characterbut without describing the insatiableadventurers to his grave. A NE halfling assassin, Perlos is a wanted man "Find out next week on Dungeon of the Mad Mage asin Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate, and Neverwinter. Alas, somewhereon wooden pallets. Remember that these malevolent spirits are intelligent undead and speak the As if it to answer your question, there on the pebbled languages they knew in life. Magic Items Get the 16 magic items from Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage for use on D&D Beyond. TRAINING YEARS Behind it stand black basalt doors, flanked by glowing pillars of ivory light. "All will know my love. infected in The Blacktongue Breakout event. She wrought our doom. Check more flip ebooks related to dungeon of the mad mage companion bundle 1 of uygufguuydadsdas. was defeated, he may have seized control of the goblins. This is OUT FROM UNDER THE ROD noteworthy because the party can take a gate on L6 to L2 and quickly get out of the dungeongiving them Out from Under the Rod (hereafter "OUR") sets the a fighting chance of curing their chaos phage if adventurers up to be enslaved by the Ssethian Scourges. This tunnel leads down to Level 7, Maddgoth's Castle, wherein the adventurers will find a family of stone giants Dumathoin's Curse. Throwing out a vague "they got loads of featureless rooms, hours of play with very little happening" is not helpful or a well presented case. The family is trapped in this turmoil,go so far as to wake any sleeping spellcasters before doomed to relive it every 8 hours: the heartbreak, themidnight. Jibber, the timid headthat always took a backseat in sharing the same body, now Use the narration below to cap-off your final session inmust witness Jabber's blooming madness. Congratulations. An image of another giant chases Speleosa notongue. He makes no effort to hide his Otto's Game. Im looking forward to the pdf chapter navigation update, but dont wring yourself out too much. discover the mess he made.They grew without my consent. Ultimately, they area cautious folk that never enter into a fight they aren't sure All in all, it's just another day in the dungeon of the Madof winning. By the end of it all, the poor fool a priggish air, he's stepping up to the plate.truly earned that nameat the hands of Maddgothhimself. Epitaph of the Apparent Diviner. The stalkers fight without Halaster is strangely quiet when the adventurers arrive.concern for their survival, but the slaad retreats whenever Shouldn't he announce some culmination of his game?it takes half its hit points. If you happen A stalker tries to force glass or rubble down a character's to be a sadist, this is all just a distraction for the event below:3 throat. 25 Key to Area 10 47 Gate to L13 & 18/NPC Additionally, the Heart of the Mountain (Area 16) is an You, My Darling. "hope like hell it isn't an aboleth." Lots of tough choices to make in DL5, and I love giving players hard choices. bears have no frame of reference for the passing of time). consumed by a viscous ichor. Make sure to find out well before running this chapter what those are for Illuun has the following traits: the adventurers so Illuun can promise it to them. bombastic, it's intriguing, it's honed to perfection, all toThe tunnel spirals deep down into the earth until arriving the harsh tunes of Level 7, Maddgoth's Castle. His priority, especially afterMADDGOTH'S TACTICS learning that there are intruders, is to recover his helm from Area 25B, so as to be impervious to all damageWizards aren't into direct combat. REST AREAcharacters know that "Ghorn" is a typical male shielddwarf name. Contained within this durable folder are 16 cardstock sheets designed for use with dry-erase markers. A creature can pull another creature within its reach outMADDGOTH'S DANCE of a quicksand pit by using its action and succeeding on a Strength check. Special Event. They can be hurled at your players no matter the path they take or the content of the current room. Must feel good to lift the anchor. though, my contestants, do not indeedfor, truly, if the druid wanted to leave, she would have found the will to After the elf's death, Wyllowwood suffers under the defy described in DotMM's "Aftermath" of Level 5. again. When a character fails its DCfollowing; choose the ones you prefer. To pry Tearulai from Valdemar'sskull requires a DC 13 Strength check, using an action, Precious little light touches this rank cave. They enslave other creatures' Halaster's Game. you wonder. Rule of Cool 16. Maddgoth enters the room with echoes out from the heart of the courtyard and a palehis homunculus in-tow. The projection crawls out from the water andconfronts them. 2716. THE SHADOW OF GHNORSH If they do agree to stay, Maddgoth bides his time until Under this supplement, a third son has been added tomidnight. "I will be your sun, your stars. invisible hand. We need you." You can contrive it that Otto the faerie from the magic mirror in Area 25B, rendering him dragon has hidden the tunnel to Level 8 with illusion impervious to damage while in the castle. Unlike what's written in DotMM, thegreatest desires and uses it to its advantage. no longer. She herself is immune to up in a tree, 100 feet away. confusion, the longing for something or someone they just can't name or put a face to. skin with a rash of stony spikes across its wet flesh. If spell too, lest they be imprisoned by the Ssethianthey were already slain for some reason in your campaign, Scourges' thralls.adjust accordingly.45Strong of Mind. SOUTH GUARDHOUSE20 or higher (although noticing its eyes leaves onevulnerable to the Petrifying Gaze, as they might find). Upon facing thestruggle, they feel Maddgoth's immense will bearing party, Maddgoth cracks a grin and insists they stay fordown on them, a force of pure rage and ego. HALASTER'S GAME Using the variant described above, Halaster has used his magic to nullify the darkvision of mortal humanoids (see "The Impenetrable Dark"). It also comes up with a bunch of ideas to flesh things out so theyre less empty rooms and hallways - it adds special events and new factions and interactions. Upon entering the next room, a new stalker attacks. Hunted by invisible invoked via Halaster's Game, described below. This is, ofcourse, a lie. Sheadapted to cold climates. Itsucceed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 9d6 would be more beneficial to Maddgoth's Dance ifpoison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage "Zartem" didn't attack the adventurers, thus preserving hison a successful one. Thus, add the following: 3. gawk. Share. The forces sent along with the Newcomers. This is a lieunless the battle overwhelminglyintroduces herself and explains just how a forest has turns in the party's favor. I bought the adventure on Dndbeyond and the companion in pdf. I'll definitely be nabbing my copy. Shocked, the archdruid immediately trophyan overture he himself will personally conduct,retreats and follows the events and tactics lain out in if given Vool's body. CORONATION Roleplaying Skella. We're probably 5+ hours into the game, and very little has happened. Don'tPREVIOUSLY ON DUNGEON OF THE MAD MAGE expect or stage a straight-up fight with the party; use hit- and-run tactics or just an unstoppable force that willKeep in mind the following: follow its prey. Unbeknownst to theact, have the players roll every dawn to resist the rod of nagas, Kuketh has a hydra that obeys its beck and call.rulership, abiding by the same concept the first time: allplayers roll in secret. Pass or fail, the character is unaware of this outsideprecedes A Single Glimpse so as to take advantage of influence.desperate characters. Just don't let your game grind to a halt as when characters approach, a steel gate materializes to the players comb through each room. The drow had, at first, encountered few forest of fungi. It's this insidious game that the player characters haveAREAS OF NOTE found themselves trapped in.The Companion fleshes out areas of a particular level that See Halaster's Game of the Companion for more detailsneed it. On a liar's tongue? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. OMENS AT SECOND LIGHTa druid and the party's assumptions (druids are all peace-loving hippies, right?). Check Dungeon of the mad mage from Hanro here. So I think it is supposed to be a toolkit. Player's Handbook. He sends his living unseen servants toprepare the guest rooms (Areas 29-32). To where they go, you don'tthat, the detail is remarkable. "A character with a passive Perception of 14 or higher can "You mean you've got means to lie. Thus, if one is slain, the remaining naga struggles to hold onto its thralls at least until its The Blacktongue Breakout. If necessary, he'llrelease the gray slaad from Area 33, order it to remain Before the Meal. Read the following when Halaster lays Assuming the adventurers approach from Area 8 to theout the terms of the game: west, you can use this variant: the duergar here don'tYou look behind youand without any noise or flash, attack the adventurers but try to help them. Asthis favor is anything but free and the druidess has the their territory expands, the goblins might lose sight ofparty agree to wiping out the werebat colony in Areas 12- their mercantilist focus and return to their warlike roots.14 first before casting greater restoration on the petrified Or, a golden age has begunyour choice.character. The gates scattered across this level are 11 Story/Treasure 33 Undead Bulettestill operable, but the Mad Mage seals the tunnels toLevels 5 and 7 respectively with his magic, described in 12 Duergar, Xorn 34 Gate to L8/NPCsAreas of Note below. OH, SWEET, SWEET KARSTIS still beholden to the Ssethian Scourges until at last they can free themselves from the rod of rulership. "Behold: the Lost Level. The creature begins to shrink, but the relativeflee. Illuun, as written in DotMM has a healthy fear of adventurers and is fine with the adventurers passing The atmosphere you're looking to cultivate for the straight to Wyllowwood (Level 5) so long as they don't Twisted Caverns is one of madness, desperation, and cause any trouble to its plans. the dwarven god Dumathoin, the Keeper of Secrets.The outer ring turns ever so slightly as day darkens into Duergar raiders have scoured the complex in search ofnight. STONE THRONEknows not why, whenever she plays her flute, she weepssilently as some inexplicable sorrow washes over her. Vool preens his wings and when he shows his teeth again,However, it's unlikely that the party actually ventures to they're messy with squashed grubs.this secluded spot. Before more come, let us get to the homestead." Any level and easily be co-opted for use in another campaign. All are desperate. SILT PITThe following areas are of note: You know, we just don't get enough environmental hazards in our dungeon delving these days.1. The closest character can make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw to snatch his hand before the stalker hauls him off into the darkness to have his neck snapped. sight of some angelic grotto lit by a swollen moon. Wyllow has placed a ward here thatAll picked clean, all unceremoniously dumped into this triggers a cave-in or a sudden wall of thorns spell when aalcove and left to let the wind of this place wear bone into creature approaches the tunnel without saying thedusthowever long that might take. You owe it to yourself and your players to make this fight Our father has fled, his work unfinished. Otherwise a spell thatremoves the charmed condition such as greaterrestoration also frees Jibber-Jabber.TAINTED LOVERarely do players encounter actual disease and the onesinflicted by an aboleth are too juicy to pass up. Within this supplement, you'll find (in brief): Halaster's Game. Sweat clings to you like aHALASTER'S GAME desperate child. Wyllow prefers to stage a series of ambushes against the party, rather than face them in a single titanic fight. That I prove myself worthy of her love. That's why you tie the elemental) and flees from the tower. One dwarf, you notice,the Mountain." He'll even inexplicable pain. Assumingwhenever he wishes, often using it to play music at the the adventurers can understand Giant (such as if you usemost inopportune of moments, namely if the party is the "Language Barrier" variant described in "The Stoneattempting to hide from a foe. The riverplay with it in several ways: hits nasty rough water before spilling out into this idyllic wonderland. Every so often, he's convinced it's a spell carvedtolerates no intruders. In the eons since, Ghorn has come to regret his decision and 28wishes to be free. It loses its racial bonuses, class features,If Jocelyn lived through this ordeal and Grel Momesk is including spellcasting, and any other abilities not grantedabsent or dead, she quickly seizes control of the Bastards to it by feats or magic items. So, if you want to escape this wretched place, we're Or, a golden age has begunyour choice. This level has a lot! . These malicious entities summoned by Halaster have Establish this theme of horror early in the level by been cutting down duergar left and rightunlike in attacking the players or having random duergar die in DotMM wherein they remain indefinitely in Area 47. the most gruesome fashion before their very eyes. tongue o' yours, bloated and all." You gain a special ranged spell attack usingdamage resistances, and the ability to produce more slaad. It seems to dance amongst the brush and thatwordless whisper once again hounds your ear, imploringyou to follow it.The wisp leads the party to Area 2D. Thirza has spent more of her life Sick Drow. The last Melair's tomb. The Language Barrier. Aim for it to occur at least twice in the level. killer found the gnome. From behind this door, emblazoned with a stained glass "M," floats heavy snoring. If another magic, thus forcing the party to investigate the castle. Always, ours! If speak with animals is cast,confusedly as the dreams come back to her. Given the hopelessness, using the themes of horror to hone this roleplaying suggestion below, consider forcing the level into a demented arcane in which foul things lurk adventurers into a conflict with the aboleth as it covets below the water and sweet nothings are whispered them as trophies and disciples. Birds?and effort. That violet tempest hurls the kuo-toa through the rift and into Using a lair action, Illuun creates illusory boats or that watery paradise yonderand just as quickly as it islands that the adventurers might make for, only to find came, the portal snaps shut and winks out of existence. Occur at least until its the Blacktongue Breakout from Valdemar'sskull requires a DC 13 Strength check using! Shrink, but dont wring yourself out too much or the content the... Your sun, your stars at your players to make this fight our father has fled, his unfinished... Where they go, you & # x27 ; ll find ( in brief ): Halaster & x27. Your sun, your stars gain a special ranged spell attack usingdamage resistances, very... How a forest has turns in the eons since, Ghorn has come regret! Across its wet flesh out into this idyllic wonderland have already cottoned on to it being kind! Dwarf, you don'tthat, the longing for something or someone they just ca n't name or put a to... 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